This Is What Pisses Me Off About Trump

OK. I think that is at least implicit in what I wrote too.

Zero is sometimes preferred to a negative number

Vs. letting a democrat run the country.

Seems he made the right choice for now.

The republican party has not been “destroyed”. The DNC lost over 1,500 seats nationwide during Obama’s two terms, the GOP has lost a few dozen.

Trump is a stain that will soon be washed out as far as the party is concerned even if he should manage to win re-election.

8 years isn’t much in the grand scheme of things and four is just a brief moment in the history of a nation that’s been around 242 years.

Trump is a symptom of the dysfunction and division of the country, not the cause of it.

… with wide openings every mile or so to accommodate roaming wildlife. :wink:

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It isn’t garbage it’s exactly what would occur as we’ve seen repeatedly during this administration.

All they have to do is tie it up in court for less than two years hamstringing the administration and as slow as the courts move that’s easy.

A single district judge can issue a nationwide injunction as again we have seen and seen more during this administration than any previous one.

The left is losing their grip on power and they know the judiciary is where they still hold the most power.

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Same here and I almost did it again in 96. Had Perot not flaked out and shown himself to be a lunatic in the last couple of months of the campaign he actually stood a good chance of winning as Clinton had done a bangup job of alienating a lot of his base.

The dem’s idea of border security is an open border and no interior enforcement at all.

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Lib Border security… jails along the border to incarcerate immigrants found to be using hateful pronouns.

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The GOP is Trump’s brand now.

I dont think so. The old time GOP - the ones with power- hate him. Remember how they treated him in the primaried? Remenber how the GOP intelligentsia ridiculed him?

Trump is using the GOP.

That hardly mattters. Long after Donald’s grown even fatter sucking the blood of taxpayers for his personal gain and left the Oval Office, voters will associate the GOP with that parasite for years to come. The GOP is crippled.

That’s what they said about the demobots after the Hillary disaster.

That’s what they said after the McCain/Romney disaster.

Some call it hyperbole.

Yeah, but Donald defies political gravity. :wink:

I agreed with that ( the damage to the GOP) before and said I could not care less. Maybe you missed that.

Do you think the US has ever had a president who became president simply for his altruism?

Remember that when the Democrats hold power and keep it for decades because of this idiot holding the office now.

You have a crystal ball?

Which forum did you come from?

Trump is one man who will have zero influence or power in the party once he leaves office.

As republicans begin to gear up for 2020 runs you’ll see more and more of them distancing themselves from Trump in hopes of winning their seats.

If Trump runs in 2020 he will be primaried and even if he gets the nomination unless he’s the overwhelming favorite over the Democrat he’ll be for the most part running alone.

He’s probably the most temporary figure party wise to ever hold the office.

Once he’s out of office we’ll all see just how very few friends he ever had in DC or among the party power brokers.

The party will implode long before that even becomes possible.

Both parties have been due for a realignment for sometime and we’ll likely see it in the next two to four years.