This is the greatest troll that’s ever happened on live TV and Fox News is condemning Michael Knowles for it

No significant jobs. No booming economy. NASA mission changed to “Make Muslims feel good.” Catastrophic ObamaCare. Underfunding for military. Apologizing to the World. Kissing world leader’s asses. Bowing to Saudi King.

What a piece of worthless shit!


Maybe Little Greta should marry Little David Hogg. Together they could save the world!

…and have some brainless children! :rofl:

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Ha ha ha! I was just reading that somewhere! That is funny! :rofl:

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Both her parents, her handler, and anyone else involved in this scam should be prosecuted for child abuse.


She is committed to a hoax that has been going on for more then 3 x times her tender age of 16 and I wonder if the poor child even knows that. The gloom and doom of extinction has been predicted many times even before she was born. She has been coached to condemn like a hell and damnation radical evangelical preacher and is probably being groomed to for a ministry of her own to worship at the alter of the Church of Global Warming and I’d say it’s for the purpose of setting up her parents to live the green life of the color of $$$$$! And if the radical Green Deal was ever implemented it would surely cause the loss of more humans than any natural disaster or “the weather”!

Radical far leftists have no standing to condemn attacks on this child since they set the child abuse standard with the attack on the Covington School kids who did absolutely nothing and the death threats against the little AOC parody impersonator for poking harmless fun at AOC.

So to claim outrage is shameless, thin skinned hypocrisy and meaningless so take your faux anger and go pound sand! :angry:

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