She deserves it. But more than that, she and other kids deserve a planet that will last.
She deserves it. But more than that, she and other kids deserve a planet that will last.
Stop acting like fking retard! Offer something that is rooted in scientific facts that supports anything that this little Nazi is claiming then we can have an intelligent conversation otherwise just STFU!
We been waiting for you to make your case based on scientific facts, this is not about your feelings! If you can actually do that then let’s see who has the better argument! Try practicing what you preach for once Monty!
She does.
I think she will be the next great world leader. Just look at her! She was steps from the racist white supremacist climate denier child and she maintained the composure of a true leader!
Again! What claim does she make that is rooted in scientific facts? All your doing is posting emotion crap that is not supporting her argument! Try it!
Your entire OP was nothing but emotion with your added emotional response to all of that emotion on Fox News. Where’s the science to backup anything you said?
Because your ignorance on the subject matter is in full overdrive! Look at all your posts so far? You do nothing to advance the conversation on Global climate change you just post more BS nonsense that is not based on facts! Try again, I know it’s hard for mentally challenged people like you to comprehend what it means to present facts to support an argument but at least try!
GTFU! Again facts! Facts facts! Those pesky little things that you feminazis can’t quite seem to get around!
Um, could you explain the point of posting that?
You, and the random person who wrote this tweet, clearly aren’t aware that it is legal for a student to stop attending school at 16 in Sweden.
Think about it! Can you make a case based on facts that supports anything that this 16 year is advocating for? The point is to mock her! How idiotic do you have to be to listen to a 16 year old? Do you have a brain? Get real!
This is what facts looks like!
During each of the last four ice ages, CO2 concentration fell below 190 ppm. At the end of the last ice age, it fell to 182 ppm, thought to be the lowest in the Earth’s history. Why is this alarming? Because below 150 ppm, most terrestrial plant life cannot exist. We came within about 30 ppm (30 molecules out of every one million) to the extinction of most plant life on land, and with it the extinction of all higher terrestrial life-forms that depend on it.
The Central England record (Fig. I-24) began in 1659, during some of the coldest temperatures in the last 4,500 years. Its earliest data was captured during a period of extreme cold from 1670 to 1715 that is known as the Maunder Minimum…The Maunder Minimum was the coldest period during the 600-year Little Ice Age (1250 – 1850), which brought famine, poor harvests, disease and widespread loss of life.
As we shall see, humanity has historically suffered greatly during cold periods. The Little Ice Age was no exception, so the gradual warming that began in the late 1600s was welcome relief to the inhabitants of that period.
The population of northern Europe, who had suffered the most during the Little Ice Age (Iceland, for instance, lost half its population), could not realize it at the time, but the beneficial warming that began in the late 17th century would be used 300 years later by climate alarmists to assert that dangerous man-made greenhouse gases were increasing temperature.
As we saw in Figure II-3, research has revealed that, over the last 25 years, the Earth has been growing greener, not turning into a desert (de Jong 2013). Confirmation of this comes from a recent study using satellite data from NASA showing increasing leaf cover over the last 35 years (Figure II-11). According to Zhu (2016) 25% to 50% of the Earth’s surface has shown significant greening, while only 4% of the globe is browning. Importantly, the authors attribute the bulk of the greening to CO2 fertilization effect.
Warming temperatures are benefiting agricultural food production through lengthening growing seasons, which allow additional plantings (see Figure II-12). Killer frosts end earlier in the spring and arrive later in the autumn.
The world’s remarkable ability to increase food production year after year is attributable to mechanization, agricultural innovation, CO2 fertilization and warmer weather. World grain production and amount harvested per acre (Figures II-13 & II-14) show that crop and food production has steadily increased, with only positive effects from our changing climate.
Berner RA, Kothavala Z (2001) GEOCARB III: A revised model of atmospheric CO2 over Phanerozoic time, IGBP PAGES and World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Data Contribution Series # 2002-051. NOAA/NGDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA.
Boden TA, Marland G, Andres RJ (2016) Global CO2 emissions from Fossil-Fuel Burning Cement Mnfctr. & Gas Flaring 1751-2013. CDIAC, Oak Ridge National Lab., U.S. Dept of Energy, Oak Ridge, TN, USA,
HadCRUT4 (2017) The Hadley Climate Research Unit (HadCRUT4) annual global mean surface temperature dataset,
Parker DE, Legg TP, Folland CK (1992) A new daily Central England Temperature Series, 1772 – 1991. Int. J. Clim., Vol 12, pp 317-342
Tans P, Keeling R, (2017) Trends in Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide. Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL), Global Monitoring Division, NOAA
UNFAO (2012) United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization: World grain production 1961-2012. Food Outlook, May 2012, p. 1
What in the hell has got into they/them/it tonight?
Chris Hahn just had his ass handed to him by Rudy Giuliani on Laura Ingraham show. He is a complete piece of shit.
I wonder the same as Giuliani…why do they keep having this lying shithead on Fox as a guest? He’s frequently on Tucker Carlson and Laura. What a putz he is!
The Nobel Peace Prize means doodlesquat now. Obama got one for existing. Just another empty award given by a bunch of idiot liberals.
Eight years. No scandals. No #WhistleBlowerGate. No sexual assault. No misogyny. No pedophilia. No nepotism. No narcissism. No despotism. No fascism. No hatred. No white supremacy. Just grace, love, and class personified.
Again your hollow empty dumb rhetoric has nothing to do with the thread topic! We will ask again to state facts, but asking you to do so is like asking a monkey to cite the alphabet! Being purposely obtuse exposes your stupidity Monte!
No more banana peels on the floor or hooting and hollering from room to room either.