This great President puts Pelosi in her place

I married a cafe at lait brazilian…

Our daughter classifies herself Latina…

And I live 5 miles up the road from a city with 70% Hispanic population…

Oh cool. You know one small facet about one real estate transaction in the entire Nevada real estate market. You are a real expert on everything that’s happening in Nevada now. Jackass.

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It’s real.

I ski the sierras…you can see what’s going on in Nevada…I fly into Vegas and drive.

He’s clearly not that bright…

What was minority unemployment in the wake of supply side idiocy, part deux?

What was it when Grifty rode into DC?

Just post the numbers and we’ll do the math.

I’m happy that your daughter classifies herself as Latina. Must have been nice being the only one in 50 square miles. Extra minority points on everything in New Hampshire, the land of happy and sheltered white liberals.

I’m Grade A mystery meat. Straight mongrel. Imagine a vanilla latte, mixed with Planet of the Apes, and some chili powder mixed in.

So, on that note, you should tell it like it is since you just used your own daughter’s wannabe minority status as virtue signaling points. This ain’t Reddit. No one is going to upvote your wokeness and desperate virtue signalling…no matter how lightly caramel your kid looks.


Ah - you ski and drive through. So you are an even bigger expert on all things Nevada now.

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No…you were, and remain, completely wrong…I live on the southern border…30 miles from Boston.

Before that I lived in Manhattan…no, not the Upper East Side.

Not only can I see it…but as part of my job back in 2012, I spent a lot of time surveying the wreckage that was Nevada.

Look out y’all. Exurbs of Boston in the house! That shit sounds gangsta af nigga! Manhattan too! Sheeeiit.

you certainly got the rap down…as I told you earlier, the nearest town, 5 miles south, is nearly 70% hispanic.

Damn! That’s hardcore. Must be a lot of competition in the landscaping market. Watch that coof tho.

That’s racist!
It figures.
TDS is warping your one brain cell.

Aren’t you compensating a bit hard there, Compton?

no…because I explain why that is so…

Your reluctance to post the data shows I was right.

Compton? Da fug u talkin bout nigga?

I want to hit the accelerator on the collapse of Western Civilization so that we can usher in a mainly white ethnostate across the US. I won’t be welcome in most places but that’s cool. I’ll swoop up all those desperate Latinas for some quality hit and quit ass and provide services out in the hinterlands.

I accept my fate and the vision of America that the Founders intended.

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your fate is a 350 lb. tweaker with COPD, and a rented trailer.

That is what selfless sacrifice is all about.



lol - that’s all you got for me? You are forgetting about the fast twitch mongrel gene.

DM me your address tho. Big booty latinas are fun to crush out.

Let me clue you in here…

My mother is Swedish…even with a ■■■■■■ father, that makes me whiter than anyone you know…

Swedish chicks are tough…as her exes would attest, she could hit hard…

But when the world comes to an end, it will be my ex wife and the cockroaches…and I pity those fuckers.