Yeah, odd isn’t it. Particularly when you consider that black is the total absence of color.
Monumentally stupid and unconstitutional.
That kind of panhandling crosses all racial boundaries.
Just think how this will work in combination with new declarations that thefts under a certain amount will not be prosecuted?
Seems like me the Left really does want to start anything that will let them declare martial law. That and also because the overwhelming percentage of the victims of minority crime are their neighbors, minoroties just like them, it should be obvious that they don’t care if every black neighborhood becomes the next East Cleveland. Maybe they’re even counting on it?
anarchy is their goal.
After the Baltimore lib government declared war on the officers it said were responsible for Freddie Gray’s death, the homicide rate per capital rose to the highest number in history.
Riots and accusations of racism were shouted until it was known that half of the officers were people of color. All of them were either acquitted or charges dropped under a black judge. There was no racism… only a desire by libs to pretend there was.
It has never improved. Baltimore is a hellhole now.
You’re joking, but I’m not entirely sure something like that isn’t looming down the pipe.
Not this Yank. I used to catch snowballs for saying “colored people” so I just say what they are now. lol
Progressives need victims because victims give them an excuse to grab more power. Perversely those who build their sense of identity, why they are entitled in particular, on being victims need things to feel oppressed over … these days they’re so desperate that they’ll even Jussie Up, it’s not enough to jazz up offense over inanimate objects and old movies.
These combine and somehow result in misplaced empathy for the bad actors, the folks who prey upon their neighbors … the criminals.
How does one know she isn’t doing squat ? Are you saying 12 year old girls are incapable of doing wrong ?
dude , re read what Ive posted slowly, I was talking about one incident regarding that kid, not all 12 year olds
and all those links your provide why isnt any of them “person of color”
Now one last time for those who think I said 12 year old are innocent law abiding people.
I said case by case basis, not hassling people who are actually doing anything bad, hanging around or doing law abiding thing does not warrant being hassled.
Being a nuisance , casing, hassling does constitute some action.
get it now?
Was being a "person of color " important to you for some reason ??? Is it ok to call on white children but not black ? You do realize bullshit like this makes the headline because of RACE !!! Haven’t you noticed when a black person is a victim of a crime by a white , that is included in the headline and through out the entire article BUT when a white is the victim they never mention race at all , strange right ???
It easy to second guess the caller AFTER the fact . Who knows it may have been an elderly person that called the police out of fear . I’m certain the police get calls all the time that turn out to be nothing but guys like you try to make it about race , so read this s-lo-o-o-w ly put away your race cards and chill the F out !
Only half joking. Did you read the full article?
“The charge could result in up to a $500 fine … “
sweet jesus, the fucking thread is about race, read the subject line think twice before calling cops on a " person of color"
How am I making it about race when that is the subject of the thread? FFS.
Just wait till some self defense case when a sweet little old lady who was packing reveales that she didn’t just feel threatened by the youths kicking down her door but also abandoned because she’s been told the police would charge her with a crime had she called for help while they were still trashing her yard.
Just re-read YOUR responses slowly and perhaps you will understand .
re read the subject line of this thread and perhaps you will understand
The two of you seem to be shouting past each other.
Which, in a way, makes you both wrong.
Just saying.
Funny isn’t it? Libs trying to stamp out racism all the while using race to justify their action.
We never know over here. If it’s not racist today it will be tomorrow.