The War Has Started. Vax Mandate is Coming for You!

Have a relative with the same name

Be careful you don’t want to get anyone or yourself in the shit mate

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You are correct Rick, it’s not sensible to be commenting certain things in this thread.

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F*** Stern. I can’t stand that idiot… never could.


The insanity and fanatical Totalitarianism is getting worse, the mask is literally off, now they are calling for Drone strikes to actually MURDER people.

To those who STILL are deluding themselves that this crowd will NOT given the FIRST opportunity start rounding up people to murder them, then you NEED to wake up as fast as possible because they ARE Homicidal maniacs:

MSNBC Guest Calls for Drone Strikes on Americans Opposed to Vaccine Mandates:

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Is this place unsafe now

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I think between PB and FreeBirds it’s has been shut down 3 times someone is reading posts and getting the place shut down

I’ve always disliked Howard Stern, he’s always been an asshat of the highest order of asshats.


Black on Black murders FAR exceed White on Black murders. The Libtardistas don’t talk about this like it doesn’t exist, same with Black celebs.Where is Aunt Jemima Goldbergs Big mouth or Doprah Winfrey talking about B on B murders and crime ? It’s always us RACIST WHITE PEOPLES fault.
As a Chicago resident you believe Doprah would come of her palace and do something about Chicago’s Anarchy instead of building schools in 3rd world countries. Chicago could use some along with competent teachers and safer schools .


The Third World Shithole peasants crossing our deliberately open borders are NOT required to get vaccinated, amazing that a journalist actually put the below question to Jen Psaki and she CONFIRMED it, of course as she is the mouthpiece for The Bidet MisAdministration NO follow up on the network news shows about this, unlike the way they did 24/7 hammering of The Donald for having two scoops of ice cream and the way he drank a bottle of water :roll_eyes: :rage:

Q: Why are vaccines required at a business but not at the border?" Psaki: “That’s correct.”


The SEGREGATION in America has started. They will turn closed military bases into unvaxed GULAGS after seizing our assets and terminating our employment and the SHEEPLE will allow it to happen.
The PROPOGANDISTS constantly spew the Party Line on the networks to convince us that know what is best for us and not to worry about being infected again after having the shot.Isn’t Dr.Fauci a trustworthy doctor? He wouldn’t know if you had a cold!!!
Yes it won’t be long before the FEDERAL is outside our homes and the FBI,CIA ,NSA and ATF (if necessary) " escort" is to the bus. Just like Russia under STALIN.


Black on white crime is very uneven

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We just can’t keep up! Isn’t it funny how with this latest news now suddenly we are not talking about Afghanistan anymore? Disgusting! :rage: :rage: :rage:


Next president of the USA! This is who I am voting for if he does run! Forget Trump!


He would be a great VP if Trump runs in 2024 election. A Great Presidential candidate if Trump doesn’t run.He has told Bidet many times he’ll govern Florida HIS WAY .

Joe Biden looking like a real authoritarian
“Your Refusal Has Costed All Of Us. My Patience Is Wearing Thin” President Biden With A Message To The Anti-Vax Gang! | Video (

I don’t know how true this is (Biden just signed a bill saying every person in the federal government has to get the vaccine EXCEPT for congress members, there family and his staff. That alone should make every single American wonder why?)

Why are you posting something that we already know? This has been covered in the header. What is your point or what are you wondering?

Was that video posted before??? What about this (Biden just signed a bill saying every person in the federal government has to get the vaccine EXCEPT for congress members, there family and his staff. That alone should make every single American wonder why?)

All of this has been covered already dude!

Even this???

26 Lancet scientists who trashed theory that Covid leaked from Chinese lab have links to Wuhan | Daily Mail Online