The US Military-Worship Culture


From “I hate soldiers” to

“I hate ■■■■■ in only 18 posts.

Is that a record?


Not wanting Americans to die for Israel is not hating soldiers.

There is a reason they have been kicked out of 109 countries since the year 250.

It’s almost like we were dealing with people who were opportunistically role playing for effect.

That was a let down…you were typing for a while and that was all you could come back with?

A discussion of supporting our troops does include them not getting killed for the ■■■■ and Israel. As much as that might make you uncomfortable, it doesn’t change the fact that if you support Israel you support the slaughter of your own countrymen.

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What American servicemen are dying for Israel?


I got news for you sunshine: our troops aren’t dying because of Israel. Our troops are dying because our so-called leaders don’t tend to take Islam seriously for what it is. Never mind the last POTUS spending 8 years standing with Islam and stirring up the pot.


26% of the members of the Senate and Congress have dual citizenship. 100% of these members are citizens of Israel. 100% of them. We need to stop allowing persons with dual citizenships from serving in our government. No more wars for Israel.




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We know the truth. Fratricide has happened even with our own soldiers and our own aircraft. We kill ourselves by mistake in the fog of war.

I’ll bet anything you have never served.

Reagan did no such thing. The Court was where the decision to not hold mentally incapacitated persons in institutions came from.

A few months back, Fox had the Israeli Ambassador on, who suggested law enforcement go door to door to those who are suspected of making ‘anti-semitic’ statements…

Let that sink in.

I have heard this idea discussed across multiple networks. Permitting the ■■■■ who created communism and mass raped, tortured, and murdered Europe to control our government, has led America to the edge of a cliff. These ■■■■ have committed the worst crimes imaginable, and soon Americans may regret having placated these parasites.


Holy shit - are you seriously defending Israel’s attack on the USS Liberty? They were trying to coax us into war.


They have conflicting civic loyalties, not qualified to hold office in either nation. What nation of people would want a double agent running facets of their government?

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This I certainly agree with. One cannot serve two masters. Dual citizenship needs to be a disqualification to hold public office, or any tax payer funded job.

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One clown is not the people of Israel … who are, incidentally, pursuing sensible restrictions on importing people’s who want to destroy them.

Do you fault them just because our idiots are trying to commit suicide and take us down with them too?

It’s the Idiots of the Left who are importing Islam. The primary thing that identifies them is “the Left”. Every other thing about them is secondary. Their ideology is all. And all they’ve got.

Make no mistake about it: if the ■■■■ who were Leftists got their way then Israel would be swimming in the sea long before we were all murdered by jihadists.

How come Israel can have a wall but we can’t? How come we are the ones paying for Israel’s wall? You can say ask Congress but…

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Our society was taken over by ■■■■ arguing FOR free speech.

The First Amendment to the Constitution was about political speech. The ■■■■ then made it about pornography and obscenity, using this to corrupt and corrode society. Now they’re shutting down political speech. The communists used our free speech laws to get the camel’s head into the tent. Now that they’re in control of everything, they’re shutting free speech down to avoid losing their information hegemony.

Americans and Europeans who think it’s acceptable to be against Muslims, but bad to be against ■■■■■ need to start paying attention to who is driving their immigration, “hate speech”, and foreign policies. If not for the ■■■■■ Islam would be nothing more than some backwards culture you learned about in school, and over time, it would probably be relegated to the history department.

  • It is the ■■■■ not the Islamist, who opened your borders.
  • It is the ■■■■ not the Islamist, who prohibits you from criticizing Islam.
  • It is the ■■■■ not the Islamist, who drives you to war in Muslim countries…and it is the ■■■■ not the Islamist, who forbids you from fighting those wars in a winnable fashion.

If half of Sean Hannity’s FOX viewers understood this, we could solve all of our biggest political problems in 2020.

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Oh this is becoming a very ■■■■■ thread.

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