The budget deficit.
That would be the negative difference between what is taken in and what is spent by the Federal Gov’t.
The budget deficit.
That would be the negative difference between what is taken in and what is spent by the Federal Gov’t.
Right but Trump didn’t create the current budget deficit and according to current projections, its estimated that the budget will be 1 billion less than last year.
Well he did sign every budget/spending bill that has passed since taking office in 2017 so he certainly bears some responsibility for the deficits.
He bares responsibility for what he is spending now not what he inherited which was a negative from the onset, which was not balanced to begin with. Also the differentiation between Discretionary spending, mandatory spending and revenues is grossly misrepresented when discussing this topic in broader terms. He did inherit the Afghanistan war which tops out at how much per month? Or how about Puerto Rico and Texas relied disaster? How much is that contributing to the budget deficit? Or Illegal immigration and entitlement spending?
Look, there’s no way to spin this. The president is responsible for every spending bill he signs and whatever deficits incurred as a result.
Anyone with a pulse understands that the military had to be rebuilt because our readiness was critically low, that money had to come from somewhere.
Democrats would not agree to substantial cuts to anything but border security and defense so that means deficits will be incurred.
The deficit he inherited is not the issue here.
The hypocrites that cheered deficit spending under Obama who are now whining about deficit spending by Trump are just that, hypocrites.
We’ve gotten to the point now that the country is so addicted to gov’t money there is no longer any possibility of returning to anything resembling balanced budgets quickly or without some pain.
Both parties are at some point going to have to admit that and get together to make some hard choices.
Leaving our borders unsecured and military depleted is not an option so they’ve got to find the money elsewhere.
Personally I still like a version of the penny plan.
Figure out what we need to keep the military healthy and secure the borders, and cut everything else by one percent per year until we reach a balanced budget.
Along with that scrap the current tax system and go to a flat tax of 15% on everyone, no exemptions, no deductions, no refundable tax credits.
As long as people feel like they can get a free ride off of others through tax manipulation this country is going to continue to consume itself until it fails.
No one is spinning anything here grandpa! It is what it is! You are not telling me anything that I already don’t know, I am fully aware how spending works, and I am not incorrect in what I previously stated so please spare me the redundancy in rhetoric!
Yes you are correct, there is going to have to be sacrifices by Government period in order to get back to balanced budgets, but at this rate I am not sure it will ever happen, or if it is even possible and thus a total collapse of the system might be inevitable when viewing things in the aggregate!
Your statements are provably factually false.
Trump is responsible for the current budget deficit, he signed the bills creating them into law.
Don’t confuse the deficit and the debt, they are two totally different things.
No one is confusing anything. I didn’t say anything false, and you can stop trying to put words into my mouth to try to discredit me. I am fully aware and understand what the debt and the deficit are. Pull up a quote that I said that is false, and I will clarify it for you? OK? You were talking about two different things here.
You’re whole premise is false. Trump signed the spending bills into law that created deficits for 2017, 18, and 19.
He inherits some of that from Obama for 17 but each new spending bill and supplemental signed by him added to the 2017 deficit.
I don’t care who’s in office they are responsible for any deficits that result from the spending bills they sign into law.
No it is not false! I never said that he is not responsible for what he is spending since in office and stop being a dickhead and trying to parse my words to mean something different. My point was the budget was never balanced since he took office, so what part of that is false?
You said he wasn’t responsible for the current deficits which is provably false.
Stop lashing out to cover up for your own errors.
He signed every spending bill that has become law since taking office in 2017.
NO I didn’t not say that you moron, I said he is not responsible for for deficits he inherited from previous administrations. Are fucking dense? Or are you purposely just trying to be a dick?
Its getting past your bedtime grandpa!
Yes you did. …
It is not a false premise. There was already a budget deficit when entered office! What part of that do you not get? Nice try! Your reaching o this one!
The deficits for each year depend on the spending that occurs in each year.
All spending bills are annual. All deficits created by that spending are the responsibility of the president who signed them into law and the congress’ that pass them.
Yeah so? This doesn’t disprove the fact that there already was a budget deficit when Trump entered office, and what ever bill he signs when he is in office is what he is responsible for, That was the entire point I was making, something in which you obviously are wanting not to acknowledge because your entire narrative in challenging me is based on mere semantics! That is it! Lets add another feather in your cap on a subject matter that you seem to think you are an expert on while we are at it shall we’?
You’re banging your head on the wall now.
The deficit from 2017 ends with 2017, same for 18 and 19.
There are no deficits for a given year without spending authorized each year and signed into law by the president.
There is no carry over, each year is a unique fiscal package.
Again, your statement was blatantly false.
How much do you want to bet? How much money do you got?
It’s provably false and we both know it. Quit letting your ego make a fool of yourself. Either admit it and move on or just drop it.
Lets go! I will prove it to you! But If I do will you openly admit you were wrong?