The US Is 5 Years Away from a National Debt Death Spiral. Here's Why Net interest on the national debt has become one of the fastest growing segments of federal spending

That is not what I was referring to and you know it!

This is incorrect, and if you want I can prove to you. Trump has currently raised the debt by a Trillion and change so far, 22 Trillion is what Obama got the country to by spending nearly 11 trillion added! More than any president elected to office during their term. Nice try though in trying to look smart!

you COULD say the same thing about all the idiot leftists that said nothing about Obama more than doubling the entire accumulated national debt that are now wrecked over Trump adding debt.

You could…but I don’t get the sense that you have the capacity to do so. That would require insight and not a total partisan collapse of values.

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Trump promised to pay off the ND in eight years…:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
He’s full of shit, and has no clue for balanced budgets. And multiple personal failures in bankruptcies attest to this…:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

And I WOULD. Hypocrites abound. Most Americans are patronizing of their own party and only bitch when the other guy does it.

I just did. I’m not a partisan. Democrats didn’t flinch when Holder was found in contempt of Congress, but just look at them fawning now…:roll_eyes:

Trying to pivot from your own words doesn’t make you look any smarter especially when your go to is to resort to insults!

Trump doesn’t balance the budgets he has Mick Mulvaney doing that, and he is way above your pay grade as I am sure if you had Mulvaney’s business acumen you could do a better job yourself, but seeing you are not, your comments seem rather childish and not based on anything substantive. 8 years hasn’t passed yet but that doesn’t stop clowns like you expressing the faux paas rage!

Got any more originals or are you done here?


"Yeah, and the non politician Trump promised to be the game changer and pay off the 19.8 trillion dollar debt during his eight years in office…oops, look at where it’s at now.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

He also promised us that he would run balanced budgets. Bragged that it was easy. Yet with his first opportunity to prove it, he signed the biggest budget deficit in US history, and the kicker is, he still has support.

Isn’t it funny how all those Trumpers out there that made such a stink about the ND under Obama are crickets now that it’s ballooned to 23 trillion under Trump. Patronizing hypocrites."

says otherwise. You certainly PRESENT as a partisan.

Can’t convince a person they are wrong if they are too stupid to understand what is fact and fiction. – Ampaire

Typical hypocrisy. Rebuilding the depleted military costs money. Democrats routinely gut the military during their terms while spending still spirals out of control, then whine like little bitches when republicans have to rebuild it.

The economy is growing, tax revenues are growing so make cuts in other programs where needed and it will all work out in the end.

Democrats will never agree to that though because Defense has been the only thing they wanted to cut in the past, and now it’s border security.

One party wants to protect the country, the other wants us to disarm and open the borders to millions of the world’s poor and is now proposing that we not only do that, but we have to offer them free healthcare and all of the same welfare bennies afforded to citizens.

Which country do you want to live in?

Well, I wouldn’t expect a response to the subject matter because what is there to say, Trump was wrong.

Btw, the partisan democrats are no better. Much of what they complain about in the Trump administration, they overlooked in the Obama administration.

I didn’t insult you.

No you insulted Trump you dimwit! Reading comprehension is not your strong suit is it?

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Well than he got the wrong guy doing it because he promised balanced budgets and bragged about how easy it was.

Yeah? Where is your proof that the Budget is not being balanced? Also where did Obama in all of his 8 years put forth a balanced Budget?

Yes, and Trump is fair game, other posters aren’t. And btw, Trump is the master at insulting people and you applaud that. :roll_eyes:

And another poster lacking the skill to debate civilly. You join the rest on ignore.

No! I am just calling you what you are! You simply can’t acknowledge facts but rather resort to embellishing the truth by making inaccurate statements and being purposefully obtuse in your responses! It’s your MO! Next!

Aweee! Boo boo! Another snowflake melts on the alter of phoney outrage! It’s OK when Democrats insult but not OK when conservatives or Trump does it! Yeah gotcha! Try growing a pair!

The projected deficit makes it clear we don’t have a balanced budget.

You can’t rebuilt a military who’s readiness was down to 70% without a deficit unless you are going to cut the rest of the budget substantially.

Democrats refused to accept any cuts other than defense and border security, republicans finally caved on a compromise that funded both without any substantial cuts elsewhere.

In a two party system you have to compromise.

What deficit are you referring to?