“The Twelfth Imam” (and how it pertains to why Iran wants war)

Yes, I think we all get it by now. You are against America, and you stand with the Mullahs and terrorists and Islamo-Fascists, maybe because they hate ■■■■ like you do.
Whatever the reason, your POV is worthless.

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Trump is the LAST person the news wants to help.

Thats also off topic. The topic is the content of the first three posts in this thread.

The topic is - Why Iran wants war - and that is the subject if my posts.

I think the adults in the room can and will make their own minds up - but that is what scares the shit outta you and your Hasbara pals, ain’t it?,

And who owns the news/media?

The MSM is heavily invested in the defense contractor industry and usually is on board for any war because of it. And it’s safe for them, they pumped up Bush’s illegal war too and it didn’t harm their ratings.

The Berlin-Moscow / Stalin-Hitler pact has been reincarnated.

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Those who are predisposed to appeasement at any cost will disagree with any military action. History tells us that such appeasement will lead to bigger and bloodier wars.

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And leads to the profanity and name calling…:man_shrugging:

WE have.

Nothing that ■■■■■■■■■■ America-hating fascists and socialists say or do can ever scare me. But you go right on thinking that if it makes your pink panties feel nice and snug.

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Well, apparently we cannot flag the socialists and the fascists anymore for throwing threads off topic, so knock yourselves out. Maybe we can discuss your favorite color next.

Maybe not but I’ll settle for triggered(A LOT)

Well at least the TT was amended. Yes the hardliners in Islam, much like the hardliner (fundamentalists) in the Christian Right both welcome all out Armageddon in the Middle East, both groups are fringe and freaks and this is why the Christian Right is always rallying around every war we have there just as the hardliner radical Islamic freaks who see the big war in the ME as their avenue to the arrival of the 12th…

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Best thing we ever did for Iran, 25 years of stability. That was back in the good old days when our foreign meddling did some good and was effective.

By the way, I think highly of Levin but I never thought much of Glen Beck. From the first time I heard him on the radio I wondered how he could be popular, I never heard a thing out of him that made me think he was very smart.


Well there’s absolutely no evidence to show that is true in any way.


Very well said. At least we kept the Islamofascists in Iran at bay for a quarter century.

Reagan kept them under control for another eight years.

Since then, it’s been straight downhill.

Unfortunately short of brutal dictators there doesn’t seem to be much hope for peace in the ME.

I like to think that the green movement in Iran is changing that equation, that they are ready for a secular, nonviolent, non fundamentalist democracy but since the Islamofascists have all the guns there’s little hope they’ll ever be able to succeed absent outside help.

Best thing for the rich in Iran and in America.
It’s always the dumbest who volunteer to fight and die in a war

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice.”

Albert Einstein

After the D-Day anniversary celebrating our brave heroes who saved the world from tyranny, this filthy disgusting post I quoted speaks for itself and speaks to who posted it.

I understand your point but find the use of “dumbest” distasteful. I believe the rank and file go to war based on propaganda and a genuine belief they are defending their country/families/beliefs etc. So, for all the right reasons basically but generally they are ignorant to the real facts, the deals behind the scenes, the extreme power and wealth hunters who collude and lie without effort.

The rank and file on both sides of any war are probably the most genuine people in terms of integrity.

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