“The Twelfth Imam” (and how it pertains to why Iran wants war)

OK, I take it that being Pro-American means “send American boys to wars in Afghanistan, Somanlia, Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Cambodia, Vietnam, the Baltics, North Pole and South Pole.”

Of course not. Think about it, a Japanese and a Norwegian ship is attacked and the prowar Christian Right thinks the US needs to go to war.

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Your anti-Christian off-topic hate is being reported every time.

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Hey everyone - cut the shit with the personal attacks.

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A typical false flag.

The damages are above water line, which means it wasn’t “Iranian” minea, as the Deep State would have you believe.

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Correct. The owner of the Japanese vessel struck has already said it was an airborne attack.

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And the United States Navy said it was Iran. So it was Iran.

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All day, regardless off the topic or the subject, monetcriso keeps tossing in off-topic attacks on Christians, and repeats spam when there is no new post for him to attack. He need a vacation

Right, to the op…from the American Conservative no less. Iran is not looking for war.

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Generally no but if they are idiot leftists and/or lie to the producer about the topic he has zero patience and they are quickly dealt with.


That has nothing to do with the OP. The OP is about the 12th Imam

I thought the topic was the Glenn Beck video

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It is. Who watched the video and what did you think.

The topic is “why Iran wants war”. Which of course isn’t even true…:wink:

The topic is the Glenn Beck video

Thanks . That’s what I thought

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Then perhaps an edited thread title is in order…:man_shrugging:

Maybe Iran does want war with US - And maybe it has some justification?

America’s foreign policy makes it hated in most of the world. It seems murderous, thuggish, brutal, a menace to everyone.

From abroad, America is a feral, amoral, remorseless empire, rotting from within, willing to do anything to maintain its dominance.

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