It’s a whole lot simpler than even that.
Hopelessness and purposelessness are the two leading causes of suicide.
If your life sucks and you have no hope of it improving suicide becomes a viable option.
If you have no purpose in life, no way to achieve anything worthwhile, suicide becomes a not only viable but attractive option.
In the eighties and nineties the psychobabble community reacted to what was seen as an “epidemic of teen suicides” with the solution of convincing everyone they were special and feeding them full of phony self esteem so they’d feel better about being average or below average and be content in life.
In doing so they pretty well neutered the whole country and eliminated for the most part our basic drives that led this country to achieve great things.
The same thing happened earlier in GB in different ways somewhat but in the end accomplishing the same thing.
Now, with the new millennium we’ve gone completely over the edge blaming white people for every ill on earth, particularly white males and declaring everyone that doesn’t swallow the left’s agenda hook, line and sinker as racist, sexist, bigoted, homophone or worse.
Take a step forward to the current up and coming generation that sees it all as hopeless and pointless as the new cult of climate change warriors have convinced them no matter what we do we’ve got about a decade or two before the world implodes due to rising seas, runaway global warming.
Hell my generation grew up with the very real threat of global nuclear war breaking out at any moment and that at best once the first missile was launched or bomb dropped from a plane we’d have no more than about a 30 minute warning before it was all over.
What did that drive us to do? Mass suicide? Global hopelessness? No, we created and ran the greatest economy the world had ever seen bringing peace and prosperity to billions like none had ever seen before and eventually defeated the Soviet Union freeing over a billion people in Europe and Asia from totalitarian rule!
What this new generation needs is a positive message of hope and a true, positive message uniting them against a common foe.