The Trayvon Hoax That Divided America Is About to Be Exposed!

Yeah! It astounds me the level of ignorance on display here! If the truth reveals the actual facts that destroys their fake narrative that was sold to them in the form of brainwashing from the leftist main stream media, then they scream racism! It’s an old tired card that has become worthless!

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Obama’s “son” .The liberal media and the dems wanted everyone to believe Trayvon was around 11 years old and simply walking home eating candy as most children do from time to time . They never bother to check his facebook were he posed with illegal GUNS . Obama did as much as possible to divided the nation with an 8 year assault . Then we see “HANDS UP DON’T SHOOT” the second biggest LIE ever told or chanted at BS BLM rallies . Always the victim , always the victim !!!


This is from that time!


Right after the Dallas assault during a BLM protest.


That horse is too pretty for this thread! Lol!

Here is an example of your blatant ignorance! Really can you be anymore dumber?


He was also big enough and strong enough to break George Zimmerman nose and cause multiple cuts on George’s head and he was old enough to use racial slurs (creepy ass cracker) and under US law n that particular States he was also have enough to be shot dead

But please do not let any of that distract you you from the fact that if Obama had a son he would look like trayvon Martin

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Obama , the liberal media and the demoRATS all declared war on white males , and they MADE George white to inflame blacks , they MADE Trayvon a child to inflame blacks , mission accomplished !!!

The irony is that George Zimmerman is Hispanic so they looked even dumber on that narrative!


Hispanics and blacks fight in prison and hate each other , no story line there . the agenda needs a white killing a black “child” . They had access to Trayvon’s Facebook pages with him flashing illegal pistols , hell his parents had to hand him off to the grandparent because he was such a great human being . :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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You mean like this POS?


“Anyone who paid attention to the details in the George Zimmerman case knew Florida state prosecutors knowingly, and with malicious intent, falsified witness testimony from Witness #8 Rachel Jeantel; who they claimed was Trayvon Martin’s girlfriend.”

Fact: St. Skittles had completely disengaged. Had he gone home we would have never heard about this. He chose to turn back, confront and attack the creepy cracker who subsequently shot him.

It was all on Skittles.


He left, was home free, and could have walked away, but he turned back and initiated the confrontation that led to his death. He wasn’t simply existing. His choices are what led to his death.

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Well it should be interesting but call me doubtful that anything new is going to come out.

We knew early on as soon as the picture hoax was exposed and we saw his social media postings he was just a thug and a criminal.

It will be interesting to see it all put together particularly if there’s a focus about the proprietorial abuse and misconduct that led to Zimmerman’s trial.

Under FL law he should have never been arrested much less charged which is why it took a special appointee to do the job and her record of abuse and misconduct is long and well documented.

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Complete bullshit. Martin was lawfully killed in self defense and no cop ever ordered Zimmerman to do or not do anything.

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The problem with your facts is that they are all lies.

Nobody with any police authority told him what to do that night.

Martin was only killed after a prolonged struggle as proven by the witness testimony in which Zimmerman was begging for his own life and Martin would not relent which made the shooting absolutely justifiable under FL law.

Zimmerman didn’t bother him, Trayvon initiated both encounters they had that night.


MSM probably claims Zimmerman was hitting his head on the sidewalk, not Choir boy Tayvon.

Thier is Video evidence somewhere on the internet of a 911 phone handler asking George Zimmerman to stop following trayvon Martin

Look it up, that is inaccurate.