The Stunning Importance of What Devin Nunes Said Yesterday!

I could understand Sessions not bringing those charges, but Whitaker or Barr?

The same people that claimed the North Koreans were behind the Sony hack in '14?

No they aren’t. There are 120,000 people in the DOJ.

The hacker was NK. Just indicted last year.

What would stop the AG from investigating and charging these people for lying to Congress?

Go after them for what? And WITH what? How would a president go after a DoJ official for enforcing the letter of the law? Sick the DoJ on them?

Why wouldn’t DoJ officials charge these deep staters for their crimes?

No he’s pointing out that certain people WERE allowed to lie to Congress without any repurcussions whatsoever and Trump’s people are being held to a different standard. I can see why you want to ignore that and keep running with your narrative though. What’s amazing is that you actually think you’re fooling anyone.

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Why wouldn’t they indeed?

Don’t you know that facts don’t matter when you think you are morally right? The false pretense’s propped up as a argument to assert their strawman’s view is basically their entire MO all the time!


Facts don’t matter? Hilary is at home while several Trump associates are in jail or indicted.

Trump has had 2 years to put Hilary in jail. The entire congress for 2 years had every opportunity to investigate Hilary… again. But didn’t… why?

Because congress can’t indict…and CoJ and FBi are corrupt to the core.

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Lion? Lyin? Ahh I get it.

Do you ever have anything of substance? For someone so interested in facts… you don’t ever provide any.

Right! If the irony of that statement wasn’t so funny I actually might prove how incredibly stupid you are! Hey Jim Acosta is that you?

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Let’s try this. I really want to have a discussion with merit.

You post evidence that Hilary is a criminal. Then I will post evidence that Manafort, Cohen, Flynn, Papa and Stone are criminals. Evidence must be in the form of indictments, guilty pleas, convictions. Let’s see who’s evidence holds up.

Are you game?

Listen I know it is difficult for mentally challenged people like to understand this, but stop trying to derail this thread and being a troll! None of which you are asking has anything to do with this threads topic! I am not interested in discussing this nonsense. I suggest you go and start your own thread if its that important to you and leave this conversation to the adults who can mange to discuss what the subject matter is about! Got it?

Your OP is talking about the Mueller investigation… right? The same Mueller investigation that has indicted several Trump associates for being criminals? The one that showed Manafort provided Trump polling data to Pro Russian Ukrainian?

How is what I am talking about unrelated to the OP? Devin Nunes is a untrustworthy weasel, why should you or I trust his opinion?

What happened with Nunes and his assertion that the FISA app was based on the Dossier and the courts were unaware that it was opposition research?

Here read it yourself

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So your proof that the DOJ isn’t corrupt is indictments and FISA warrants that were brought about by Mueller and his flunkies? That’s not even a circular argument. It’s not an argument at all. And we’re supposed to take you seriously? :laughing: