Democrats would just as soon forget blue collar union members and replace them all with public sector (gov’t) employee union members.
I am surprised the union membership falls for this.
It is as though Bernie wants to show America how stupid Union members are by having them pay off their supervisors school debt.
Bernie was super popular with our trade unions in 2016. I hope the don’t get Berned again.
Don’t conflate the members with the leadership. The Dem’s own the leadership but not the rank and file.
If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in five years there’d be a shortage of sand.
And they’d be charging you twice what it was worth then regulating you to death if you dared try to build something on it.
Colleges give no such assurance. Make these universities be on the hook if their students can’t get a good paying job! That would fix the problem.
They want to replace them with Central and South Americans.
The education debt may have had some actual merit, if students actually learned something. It seems it’s actually possible to go through college, and leave knowing less than when you entered. Some negative bizarro instiutions of learning.
As I once told a certain Leftwinger at another forum: if he was able to look at language like that used by the Muslim Brotherhood and its allies (CAIR etc) and see it as propaganda then he had an education and was a fellow traveler to those calling the shots from the far Left; but, if he could not and saw their propaganda as vital truths about social justice related pabulum then he was indoctrinated and a Useful Idiot.
A significant part of the American university system is dedicated to producing Useful Idiots.
It’s why Bill Ayers stopped making bombs to teach teachers and why Obama and the rest running the Chicago Annenburg Challenge funds didn’t focus on remedial education (and do those kids good).
It took me 14 years to pay off my student loans and nobody helped me.
If not for the liberal left pushing millions of kids into colleges and universities that have no business being there to start with this wouldn’t even be up for discussion.
Let the little bastards and their parents figure out how to pay off their debts and leave the rest of us the hell alone.
As I’ve said before: the Left creates “rights” by first creating spending. In this case they took over (with no enumerated power to do so) student loans knowing that they could then open the spigot. Once the disaster was on us their response would be federal funding of higher education too.
Those who had been responsible were always going to be on the hook.
Once little piggies start to suck they get upset if the teat is withdrawn … same with too many Americans.
Lest we not forget that the cost of a college education has grown at 4-5x the rate of inflation for the last 25-35 years as well.
The more federal money is poured into higher education the higher the price goes with no respect to the actual costs of providing an education or the lack of actual education going on.
Look at the amount of money these “not for profit” universities have setting in various investments as opposed to their annual expenses.
Ah, yes, the National Endowment for the Farts…
Excellent post. The only thing I would add is let these colleges back the student loans. If they think they are putting out such a great product, let them stand behind it!
Whole lotta stupid going on there.
Low IQ stupidity can only put so much at risk. It takes high IQs slaved to stupid ideologies to really produce the sorts of right proper Stupid that deserves a capital “S” for its ability to endanger whole civilizations or even the survival of the species.
It appears their eventual goal is to “white guilt” us into tearing down all of western civilization in the name of some kind of reparations.
Ok, so you think that education is foolish. That’s a hard one to debate with…
Well of course he never said that. Try an honest debate for a change.