I’ve got an older brother who did the same thing and they make sure they get their cut every single month out of his check. Stupid move. I don’t feel bad for him either when he’s always whining about money. All he had to do was pay the damn bill on time. Instead he tried to be Mr College Grad big shot and borrow more than any job was ever going to pay him with a humanities degree. I hired him as a helper in my business more times than I can count. You can’t fix stupid.
My niece borrowed 200K for here under grad and then Northwestern Law School.
Got marries to a guy who did the same. They hold 400K in outstanding student loans. Both work for the State of Illinois and 10K people person per year is deducted from the loan.
20 years from now should they say at the state they will be paid in full.
How can intelligent people be so stupid?
What you describe is a perk of the job. I consider that a different matter. The employer (the state, in this case) is paying off the loan – arguably in lieu of bigger salary. (And in most cases, a lawyer in a private practice will make more than a lawyer working for the government.)
I do not begrudge your niece and her husband that perk.
Your tax dollars are paying for her student loan.
p.s. They both make in excess of 150K per year.
Real education happens on a day to day basis. It is called “life”. How you react to it, what you do with it and how you chose to move forward are all variables that “college” cannot teach.
In my thought process, the main thing is to have a goal. It doesn’t have to be this HUGE goal: “I am going to be XYZ or nothing”. The goal can be: I am going to work towards XYZ and I will allow variance.
I had a conversation with someone just today and I told her… If you had told me this was what I would be doing when I was 20 I would have laughed my ass off.
Yet, I enjoy what I do, I am successful and most importantly? I make a difference.
And sure. I’ve been duped. Just like we all have. That is where wisdom based on experience comes in. You don’t get that in college. You get that in life. We’ve all had some incredibly bitter pills to swallow. Maybe learning it early in the process will make those duped by liberals… better stewards for their lives, their children and their country moving forward?
I don’t know man. I’m scratching my head on this one. Yeah - they are milking the system but their strategy worked. They got top tier education and someone else is paying for it. Doesn’t make it right but it doesn’t make them stupid either.
One big problem I have with ‘free college’ is that whoever pays the actual cost of it eventually determines what is taught and who teaches it.
Our federal government should not be concerned with education at any level.
Yeah - if they are holding the dollars they get to determine what’s in and what’s out.
You can, however, convince people who have nothing in particular wrong with them that an education that doesn’t pay the bills is a good thing. There’s Stupid that’s just dumb and Stupid that comes from suffering through a manipulative pyramid scheme of an education system where the professors can live well enough selling overpriced books to kids who haven’t a clue about whom their educations are really intended to benefit and why.
One of the greatest tragedies of the Left is how so few will ever realize what the Cultural Marxists did to them.
Without question education is a huge benefit to the nation. The problem is that we let the liberal elites convince the last three or four generations that the only people who really matter are those with a college degree, graduate, or post graduate degree.
With all the focus on “higher education” vocational/trade schools have all but disappeared and the end result is exactly what they left is bitching about today, a few at the top are getting fabulously wealthy but our blue collar working middle class has all but been eliminated.
If the federal gov’t is going to have any role in education at all that role has to be divorced from the politics and be done solely with an eye towards the long term stability and economic benefit of the country as a whole.
How does a truck driver, construction worker, capenter, plumber, electrician etc benefit from a college degree?
There are only so many high paying jobs for college grads as we’re seeing now and unlike our generation probably at least 60-75% of those getting degrees today will never make enough money to pay for them and have any sort of life; at least as they see it.
The best thing to do is to make colleges back their product. If the student can’t find a good paying job after they graduate they should get a refund! If that were the case higher ed would change drastically!
The best thing to do would be to make college free for all.
Right! Stealing other people’s money to give to others and erasing personal accountability doesn’t make for a better society! Mao would be proud of your ignorant rhetoric!
Says a non taxpayer…
I agree! Bring back trade schools and just like you said colleges should be more focused on training for careers then the nonsense that most colleges force students to learn by way of electives! It’s their way of forcing indoctrination in the guise of using the explanation of making them more rounded by being exposed to more useless stuff, when in Essence they are trying to create the next generational army of Mao sympathisers!
I loved the “LOGIC” courses. If anything does not apply to humanity, it’s logic. Logical describes something that comes from clear reasoning. Using a fire extinguisher to put it out a fire is a logical step. Trying to put it out with gasoline is not. The adjective logical is rooted in the Greek word logos, which means “reason, idea, or word.” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Liberals are experts at fighting fires with gasoline.
Of course they are and it’s perfectly logical. Their cures for the ills of society are all worse than what ails us to begin with so the first thing they must do is to make those fires so bad, so all consuming and out of control that we’ll accept anything to put them out.
But according to liberals logocentric does not exist in the post modernist dictionary. So how can there be a baseline for reasoning when they can’t even defend their ideas to arrive at logical conclusions by way of general consensus? Global Climate Change debate being one such example?
This scam is worse than health insurance. Having taxpayers pay for graduate student loans? Insane.
Most of the student loan debt belongs to graduate students who are assured six figure salaries.
Hey union members…Are you getting this?