The return of lockdown lunacy

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You should avoid the corona virus at all coss s an at risk person. Those of us hat are not at risk catch the virus ad shrug it off without difficulty.

Enjoy the basement home alone, fitting for a citydweller.

For openers, I would just observe that it is really difficult to drag Donald Trump into this conversation. But somehow, you managed the seemingly impossible.

And just why you might imagine that my words have anything to do with some “conspirac[y]” theory, I truly have no idea.

As for your observation that “[n]o one likes lockdowns, but…” I would just remind you of the old saying: "‘But’ is a word that essentially means, forget all that I have said up to this point; here comes the real scoop."

I would also add that some of us care more about living–in the fullest sense of the word–than we do about merely existing. (A potted plant does the latter; but I really do not wish to become the rough equivalent of a philodendron.)


I loathe philodendrons! The scourge of the earth! Grah! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Kill! Kill! Kill! I hack them with a machete and all their many roots and leave them to rot.

They spread…blech!

Your “living” is literally killing other people and you don’t have the freedom or right to do that.

It’s called murder.

Another d-bag talking right out of their ass again!

What’s the matter? Couldn’t get a date with your blow-up on a Friday night so you are here trash talking again? :rofl:

We wouldn’t be locking down again if Republicans would wear the damn mask.

Well, let me see:

Because I wish to live–and not merely exist, as a potted plant does–I am a murderer.

Got it…

STFU with your stupid masks nonsense! You wear your mask dumbass!

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That is how dumb these pinkies are! :rofl:

And masks are bot necessary in may parts of th country. Just in the cesspool cities and their burbs.

Let me see if I hav this correct.

You have a cold or the flu, you pass it to another person and they develop pneumonia and die, you’re guilty of murder, correct?

Here we go again. COVID is far more deadly than the flu and scientists don’t fully understand it.

If you get caught without a mask then yes, you should be charged with attempted murder…at a minimum.

Here we go again, another regressive that cannot follow the conversation and cannot read.

What part of not all the country is exactly like your shithole city don’t you understand??? Not all parts of the country should be treated like a shithole city as they have fewer people and are far less dense except for the residents of th city which re beyond dense.

I need a psychologist to explain to me how shitlibs who hate their fathers can be so deferential to state authority.


Because they are massive pussies and need a daddy.


The live in the world of the media and politicians who say you all will die when the reality is 99% recover without problems.

That was good…:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Not only that, there’s Republican governors who are also imposing restrictions and using state police and national guard to enforce them…