The return of lockdown lunacy

No, I have not.

My best friend moved to NY and wants me to come visit. I understand it is beautiful. Very much conservative as am I.

But, the issue really is? So many packed into cities that outweigh the votes of the rural folks.

Which is why I am a very big advocate of a governor being elected much on the same basis as the electoral college.


@urbanite and who is going to enforce this stupid shit? The police that you want to defund?

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Yeah…this was outside of Cuomo’s house today. There’s a difference between upstate and the cityots you are referring to.


I saw that too! Only story I saw was German forces using water canons to disperse crowds! If you understand what “The Great Reset is all about, then the world is ripe to uprise against the elitist scum who are using this CCP/Virus to control us all.

Freaking about time! HomoCuomo needs full repudiation and to be shamed in the annals of New York history!

Amazing for a person who considers themselves intelligent cannot understand that it’s the governors and local governments decision as to the level of damage to their economies.

What part don’t you understand, NYC is not like A small town in South Dakota? They clearly don’t need a one size fits all dictate from the Federal Government or a state governor.

And yes you should be locked down indefinitely.

Don’t bother with this loser! Total waste of time! He doesn’t come here to have discussions! Haven’t you figured that out yet?He is part of a disinformation campaign that has infiltrated this site!

One can only hope the a person would reflect on some of the comments made to them and actually THINK about their sweeping conclusion. It’s unlikely as they continue to spew the party line, but we can try.

Yes, it is true that “the people elected the governors.”

But that does not give the governors unlimited rights–including the “right” to do anything they wish, whether constitutional or otherwise.

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They don’t have unlimited rights, otherwise terrorist Republican racists, right wing militias, and white nationalists would have been rounded up by now and been shot.

Why don’t you just admit who you work for? Why hide it? You are not American!

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You are quire prolific as throwing around adjectives and adverbs to describe Republicans.

Of course, you offer no evidence…

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I’m not reading this guy. He’s getting attention. Wherever he comes from he is a nasty troll.

I block it.

Seems the only hate filled people ar people like yourself and your progressive, antifa homeboys.

Why is it the shithol cities have race issues while the rest of the country doesn;t have issues?

Could it be you are the true anarchists and racists?

Here we have another example of a Republican living in the land of Trump conspiracies.

No one likes the lockdowns…but there are a majority of us in this country who do not want this virus and are willing to do whatever is necessary to eradicate it. Somehow…this basic concept is lost on fucking Republicans.

Enjoy your Indigenous Genocide thanksgiving celebrations and prepare for your Christmas funerals.

There is something seriously wrong with y’all.

I say…let them all congregate. In fact, it should be encouraged. Perhaps their stupidity and hubris will finally get the best of them.

STFU commie goober doucheLord.

Do you have a job? Sup?

One can only hope he tries to enforce it himself.

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Says the guy whose only talents is delivering pizza for a porn ring. Yeah OK! :rofl: