The real official duplicated Tucker and Elon have a chat interview. Duplicated just like Jit the Zit does

Why would he? You think yours is higher standard when all you do is lie here? You again prove how delusional you are and a narcissist who can’t see themselves.

He’s a liar. And a chump. You really want to hold water for that chump? Lol

And you are not a liar? Ok Mr fake! :grin:

How about your fake account, or the many duplicate threads you created on this site? Everyone else seems to agree that you are desperate for attention but you! :sweat_smile:

Is there ever a time that you are honest and contrite here with yourself?

Why don’t you tell him yourself instead telling me? Not doing so seems cowardly on your part!

You can go suk a dk you fking loser! I never duplicated any of your stupid threads, so go cry to mama!

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Just think about this for a sec! He’s managed to piss off everybody here to the point no one respects him, but instead view him as this sites biggest moronic bigoted and racist clown!

He has no real friends in real life, which is why he invents them using fake accounts.

He is desperate for self validation because his existence is a lonely one.

Has no girlfriends, so he invents them here.

I think he is also confused about who he is. First he claims he was white, but tells you he is African American?

He also voted for Romney!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

All in all, what this sums up to is Jitss617 is 100% a loser still obsessing over a argument he lost years ago.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

No truer words spoken about the observation of the dumba$$ Jist617

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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So you say without a shred of proof.


It’s meant to make fun of you.

It’s difficult to determine who has dementia worse, YOU or Bidet.


So swear to god and on your kids you didn’t duplicate the 2024 presidential thread… shouldn’t be to hard lol

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Shut up you fking loser! I already told that I didn’t now go fk off with your bullshit!

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You’re missing the swearing part… don’t be scared…

He should ask you to swear too, but what would be the point? You can’t hold your own oath so moot point for a practicing hypocrite like you self!:rofl:

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I didn’t duplicate it, I saw the official 2020 presidential election, and wanted to get a head start and create the 2024. He was obviously bothered by it. Because he duplicated it within minutes.
And we all know how much he hates duplicates lol

KVN logged in saw two of the same, not looking at the time, (if she did she would have seen mine was the 1st) and deleted mine.
We can ask her why, but I know mine was the first. And manhattan is a liar.
He won’t swear on it. Which means we all know what’s up.

It’s pretty obvious Manhattan has a monetary relationship with this site, who offers him a favorable position. I don’t buy respect. I earn it

No body here respects you because you have been caught in so many lies by others here before and your story that you tell has no basis in truth, so your statement is rather shallow on many grounds! What I find most interesting in your persistence on this particular subject is your obsession with it to the point you are mentally enslaved by this site, and being envious of Dr Manhattan. I really think you don’t like being honest with yourself and therefore you try to build yourself up on superficial premises than substance. Your posts are not very interesting nor stimulating for conversation and therefore you attack others out of jealousy because there are smarter people here who have something to offer and you do not!

Just my observation! You don’t like telling the truth you like telling stories based on nothing

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20$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$ hahaha

I know, it is called self denial when someone points out the truth to you and you fall back on such defense mechanisms. You hurt no one but yourself when you do. It’s what people know about themselves that they fear the most!

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Yeah I hurt my self laughing lol hey do you and mannyhatten get in the hot tub together when you hang out? Lol

What’s the matter? Jealous we actually can be friends with other people unlike you who has no friends here?

When you resort to insults and name calling you only reveal your smallness and insecurities about yourself. You are not a good person.

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Lol I’m not here for friends. I’m here to trend … and I’m the only one from a major urban area that can offer a different perspective of what’s going on in America.

Now have you JO in front of manny?

Your purpose is for self serving reasons. You just admitted it and you proved my earlier point correct. You are mentally enslaved by this place because you seek self validation. You need this site out of some insecurities you regularly project here. I also don’t find your perspective very unique and you are quite a bore here most of the time because you are a narcissist who offers very little in original content. You can continue lying to yourself, it’s your life, but you have very little substance as a person here which is why most don’t read your posts!

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