The Real Face of Pope Francis!

Polynesia does not include the Maylay Peninsula.

The Maylay race originates from the Maylay Peninsula.

Now quit derailing the thread.

Making corrections has nothing to do with derailment, especially with a bunch of buffoons who give the site a bad name.

Thanks for proving my point! I rest my case.

Good God man give it up, you were wrong and you remain wrong.

The Maylay peninsula is not part of Polynesia.

Now just stop, you were and remain wrong and another hundred posts claiming the contrary won’t change the facts.

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I am not the one who is being warned by moderators because of your retarded behaviour! Nice projection on your part where very few people even respond to your stupidity that you regularly supply on this site!

There is no such thing as “Maylay” Peninsula.
It just proves your ignorance.

The Philippina woman acted as if she was still in her home country, which is inappropriate overseas, whether she was dealing with the Pope or the Queen of England.

There is nothing divine about the Pope. He is just a guy who gets angry when his arm was rudely yanked.

Quit making an ass of yourself.

STFU, you idiot!

(sorry about the coincidental posting.) My statement stands!

@Didgevillage is a goddamned idiot!

I was talking about the spelling “Maylay” which does not exist.

Go take a nap.

Meh. The woman looks Asian to me.

Of course, I haven’t been a big fan of the umbrella term “Asian”. It includes India, Eastern Russia, the entire Orient … Half the world’s population is “asian”.

And the move to use “asian” was intended to eliminate possible racist language. I would prefer more specific terms like Arab, Oriental, Indian.

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