The Rabbit Hole

The Coronavirus bill was passed in March which gave themselves unlimited powers, without the need to go through Parliament.

The emergency Coronavirus Bill was passed as law on 25th March 2020. The powers asserted will affect your freedom and restrict your rights BIG TIME.
Coronavirus Bill (HC Bill 122)
Anyone , male , female or children can be detained indefinitely.
Authorities can take samples from you without consent .
Powers can last up to 2 years, and could be (maybe) reviewed every 6 months.

Lock downs will be enforced to prevent protests. You will be monitored.
You can be detained using force for treatment under the Mental Health Act.

Personal and religious wishes can be ignored and cremations enforced.
There will be no inquests into suspicious deaths.

There will be no requirement for any medical certification for burials or cremations.
The NHS will be excused for neglect.
One medical officer is required to sign a compulsorily treatment order,. This means you can be forced medication. Say goodbye to your freedom. They could inject you with whatever they want., ANYTHING. Schedule8 Pt1.
Local Authorities will now be exempted from compliance with their duties under The Care Act 2014. Schedule 11. You could die and there will be no inquest or medical report. This Bill must be reversed.


Bastards - not sure how I missed that

gb842b91e (1)


Boris got booed …Illuminati puppet Boris

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We have only ever had a veil/veneer of democracy IMO during my lifetime.

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… is there a requirement to make sure the subject is dead?

I remember this part

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Absolutely right.

I truly understood this after I got into my 50s.
I watched Tony Blair and George D Bush manufacture propaganda to support their { budgetary spending } war on Iraq. I was briefly fooled by the absence of any WMDs mysteriously found in the desert sands, and ascribed a degree of honesty to them because there was no manufactured justification. It was later that I realised that the goal was simply to feed the arms industry.

The deliberate abandonment of the battle field, after removing all control structures, created the ISIS debacle … requiring more arms.

The whole thing stinks. We have done it to ourselves. These are the results of apathy and ‘political correctness’.

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You mean George Walker Bush?
The Iraq war was a total waste.
ISIS was created by the CIA anyway.

So all the Zionists and arms industry laughed their way to the bank.


Yes. The campaigning for his second term (?) featured placard bearers carrying the slogan “Dubya” … meaning George W Bush. Ever since I have referred to him as George D Bush, where ‘D’ is for ‘Dubya’.

ISIS blossomed because a vast region (most of Iraq) was left completely lawless without any governing entities. ISIS took oil from the wells in the region they occupied and used it to fund their fighters.


I think BoJo is missing a trick - can I suggest he re-invokes the war time spirit with a new slogan…
Hands, knees and bumps a daisy
Maybe we could do this instead of the usual peck on cheek or handshake.
There is even a snappy little jingle to go with it LOL




That’s more accurate.

Nonetheless, the CIA has different factions and there are
some good guys (patriots) and
some bad guys (Zionists).

George HW Bush certainly was the second category.

People make a stink about the fact that Putin was a KGB employee but HW Bush was the CIA director (!!!) who also had a hand in the JFK assassination!


Last month - ''eat out to help out
This month - drink up and fuck off

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How does having a vaccine prevent you from infecting others if asymptomatic persons can be carriers? Asymtomatic means that your immune system has dealt with the pathogen and it is not a threat to you.

Viruses lie dormant in your body until such time your immune system is stressed and weak. That is why you can suddenly come down with a cold when your body is under stress, even if you haven’t been exposed to anything. More than 200 different viruses are known to cause disease in humans. We all carry many of them which could be deadly to anyone with a compromised immune function.

How is going to pass laws going to help the vulnerable? Why is Boris so not listening to isolating the vulnerable? What does he want to do, criminalise anyone who carry viruses, because we all do, as do all living things, because that is the way of nature.



Try the testing with Russian vodka.
I’m sure it will kill the virus.


Where we are heading.

I fell foul of the 3 post rule !

He just wants to please his handlers, nothing ever changes.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I am laughing at the presentation not the situation


Because of 3 post rule can’t put in separate post.

My friends here beware that if you have a so called “SMART PHONE” Apple 7 Android a piece of crap software has been put on your phone without your agreement. IE: not an app that you may or may not have downloaded. It inserts itself in settings. In I phone it’s called “Exposure notifications” and is in the settings screen, it can use microphone, camera etc, . On android it is not in phone settings but in “Google Settings” as "Covid 19 exposure notifications. It has to be switched off. I’m not sure if it can actually be deleted but just beware !!!