The Rabbit Hole

Guess that way you can train them your way.
Roll over?

Maybe, but unlike most all politicians today - he says what he means and means what he says, bit like Maggie used to.

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:joy: Hahaha. I have been chatting to a triathlete who does Ironman. His times are not far off pro level. However, he seems to have some quite liberal and woke ideas about things, so I put him right. His arguments are lame and I just destroy them. He now listens to me. Too easy! :flushed:

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Absolutely. I will not be renewing my Conservative membership. I am appalled by Boris. I know, you were right all along. I will be backing Nigel. He is the only one who stands for truth and integrity.

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Easy to destroy arguments based on headlines and party rhetoric. Problem is when you destroy their arguments and they still cling to th ideals that ar clearly false.

Children what do you do with them when they donā€™t listen.

Maybe a good spanking would do the trick.


First lady Di, now Virginia - Iā€™d be extremely nervous if I was Meghan.

The Windsors are a force to be reckoned with.

Do you think that Prince Andrew, or rather those in the background, had anything to do with Epsteinā€™s death?

The Epstein thing is huge and I think Trump is on the case.
Epstein had to be silenced but whether he was suicided or just disappeared I have no idea.
The only thing Iā€™m pretty sure abt is that he didnā€™t commit suicide.
There were/are so many powerful ppl compromised by Epstein that there are hundreds of potential suspects.
Trump is on it tho - thats what the human trafficking thing is all abt.

Epstein was pulled from prison by none other than Trump (or those who are in his camp) to extract more names of the pedo ring.
Simon Parkes represents this view.

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Celestron C9.25 telescope (which is equivalent to a 2350mm f/10 camera lens)






Got any proof other than conspiracy sites???

Must admit I hadnā€™t thought of that one - entirely possible



In the long runā€¦NOTHING MATTERS!



Black British mugs an Asian man.
People used to shoot horse thieves, dead.


The Reality, all this no opportunity bollox etc etc etc blah blah !!

This is a self incriminating video and can be used to prosecute these criminals. They even pride themselves. Isnā€™t it time to remove these few from society and send them back to their own lands? Iā€™ve seen a video in Kenya where an undercover black police detective catches a purse snatcher in the act, then proceeds to beat the living daylights out of him and then pull out a revolver and shoot him. The cop afterwards just casually walked away leaving the criminal on the sidewalk to bleed out for all to know we have rules and we enforce them. No more bull shit.

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