The Rabbit Hole

If someone ever does, I doubt it will include the text in brackets. (underlined in red on the copies we posted). The document looks to have been made up recently to me.

i.e. Fake History

Orson Wells narrated a documentary on Nastradamus and he was very convincing. Almost as good as when he did the narration of the War of the Worlds on the radio in the 1938. Scared the daylights out of many people back then.

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Nut to butt.

intimate inmates

I don’t wish to be there

They’re just playin’ ball…so to speak!

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Losing intelligent and critical thinking.

Many of us don’t and never believed in god. Does that mean we are brain dead libtards? It’s an argument rather like conflating not believing in the official 9/11 narrative and hence being a flat earther.

It means that you don’t believe in god, nothing more, nothing less.

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It depends if you’re an agnostic, meaning you don’t know verses if your’e an atheist, meaning you are absolutly convinced there is no God. I’d like to hear the atheist’s proof.
Back to the natural effect of heavy metals in the brain, having been proven to cause dementia, magnets placed near parts of the brain would concentrate the metals causing brain disfuctions possibly affecting focus or cognizance.


If you believe God is an all-knowing geezer with white beard, hell bent on punishing you for eternity in hell for the errors you make in life, it sounds like you have a mental problem.

It’s not up to anyone to prove there is no god, the onus is to prove there is one. Who is right - different peoples around the world believe in different gods? In the past, religion was used to keep the masses in check, to explain things like natural phenomena and diseases. We know better now, but there is still plenty science cannot explain… yet, perhaps. So that is all it is, we don’t know.

Now I hear of some citing (from across the pond) that if they die from Coronavirus, it is the will of God. To me, that is beyond dumb. Forget their health issues and obesity. Religion is for those easily led.

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It’s really interesting as everyone is entitled to believe what they chose and no proof is necessary. I often wonder why people fry to push their beliefs or no beliefs on others as it’s a personal choice nothing more or less.

That cannot be proven.

For that to be proven, those participating in debate must agree upon what God is. Man was described by men as being created in the image of God. This is arrogance pure and simple. No man ever to have lived knows the essence of God or what God would look like if presented before them.

The idea that God looks like an elderly man surrounded by human-like angels as he extends his finger to touch that of a human is fantasy born of pride.

There is nothing to prove that God’s form is anything akin to human except the word of arrogant old men who promote their own delusions of intellect in claiming to know how God manifests self-existence.

It still is today.

Religion and faith in the existence of God are not the same. I (as do many others) believe in God but do not practice a religion. I believe the proof of God’s existence is all around us…in nature.

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Problem - Hell and the Devil
Reaction - Fear
Solution - Religion/god
It is all about control

Plus ca change


These folks in the prehistoric times didn’t seem to have that problem.
They were self-reliant, didn’t practice much agriculture, had no organized religion, respected their relatives and lived in a small community.

We’re doing everything wrong today!

Personal choice is the case here and respect that others may not believe in the same as you do. If you even mention God in whatever capacity, you’re seen as a raving nutter. Only a vicar in church does that and of course you have a choice not to go into a church. No one rams god down your throat, least of all make it political. So if no one talks god, there is no need for anyone else to talk non god. We live and let live.