The Rabbit Hole

Carbon Dioxide binds to hemoglobin, but then unbinds in the presence of Oxygen (making the oxygenation process possible) Carbon MONOxide(CO) binds several hundred times stronger, so, it doesn´t unbind in the presence of Oxygen.

The result being, in the presence of CO, oxygenation is not possible, the hemoglobin turns to Carboxyhemoglobin and the peripheral tissues suffer hypoxia.

CO2 is the product of aerobic metabolism in cells(along with H2O), while CO is the product of anaerobic combustion of organic material (stoves or furnaces left burning without ventilation, cars left running inside closed garages, etc.)

More of an affinity to CO. From the article:

Hemoglobin relies on something called the “heme group” which is a complex molecule with iron (FE 2+) in its center. This is surrounded by something called a “porphyrin ring” which is a cluster of unique structures (made of oxygen, carbon and hydrogen) that has a special affinity for other oxygen atoms. The ability for oxygen to “leap” onto this molecule in the lungs depends entirely on the structure (which also implies the ionic charges) of these complex molecules.

One thing to note in all this is that without the presence of histidine, a special protein, this heme group would have higher affinity toward carbon monoxide than oxygen, meaning the entire heme group would be occupied by carbon monoxide, blocking the absorption of oxygen . Thus, the histidine presence is critical for allowing the heme group to bind with oxygen. If you mess with histidine, you end up forcing hemoglobin to carry CO instead of O2, effectively creating oxygen deprivation in the blood.

At 2100m altitude I took a reading on the pulse oximeter. It was 94%! I often ski at 3200m+. :grimacing:

Lived at 9600 ft. for years in the mountains of Colorado.

Loved returning to low altitude as I had energy forever and never shortness of breath. Running was a breeze.

Lovely. I should be in the Trois Vallees now. :sob: Instead I haven’t much to do other than bust my gut every day, lol. I did an FTP test yesterday. That is functional threshold power, which is the amount of power you can sustain for an hour. Mine is 157w. Power to weight is usually expressed as 20 mins. Mine is 3.25w/kg. World record FTP belongs to Bradley Wiggins at 440w. :hushed:

This was my test. 20 mins warm up with some ramps followed by 20 mins flat out, then 5 mins cool down. Heart rate vs. power.

A lot of pros are on e-sports these days. It’s very funny when you see amateurs all wanting a pop at the pro. They blast off, form a group and then they are almost untouchable, leaving the pro standing. There may not be that much between them!

Former Vodafone Boss whistleblower.

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I can’t believe it but it’s true! Assratis, Digiville and Magog are finding common ground. On the covid thread. Alleluia!
Can you see the light? Can you see the light?

That we may hold some agreement on single issues is no more astounding than the fact that we all like breathing. :innocent:

I have several liberal friends that I consider to be brainwashed loons, but we all like classical music.

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The coronavirus has gone viral. :mask:
The disease has spread to three more threads on PB.
More TP? :roll_of_toilet_paper: :roll_of_toilet_paper: :roll_of_toilet_paper:

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That’s not what I heard!

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In times of crisis you find out who your true friends are, and it ain’t the EU, Germans or French.


The other day on the Euronews channel they were reporting on how poorly the UK was dealing with the virus and were so unprepared while the European Union members were dealing with the virus with such cohesion and swiftness. It was Brexitiers, eat your heart out.
What crap :poop: they promote you’d have to be a very low IQ person to watch it. Looking at how Italy was suffering while Germany wasn’t helping with medicine and how Angela Merkle will not allow Eurobonds to help the suffering countries recover from the crisis.
Euronews is the most disgusting propaganda outlet on tv right up there with Rothschilds CNN.


What’s with Boris Johnson?
Rumor has it he is dead.

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Not so good against 5G though. :slightly_frowning_face:


David Icke, once ridiculed and laughed at nationwide, is the biggest threat to BBC now.

There are alternatives to ■■■■■■■■ but they are damn slow.

David Icke has been carefully avoiding the use of the word “■■■■ but all ■■■■■■ organizations consider him dangerous.

This is a new take on 911. There’s something about the number 19.
tetrahedron (pyramid) etc

19 years after 2001, you get covid 19, etc

all rituals