The Rabbit Hole

I was in a hippie theatre in SF many moons ago, where I heard it said: My grandmother used to say, you can’t make chicken salad out of chicken shit. And everyone laughed

On another theme … ever wondered how much electricity actually costs to produce?

In the UK it is sold to consumers at around 16p per unit ( 1 unit = 1 Wh )
There are deals available to consumers which cheapen some usage, such as split tariffs which sell units in the hours 00:00 through 06:00 at half price or less, but those tariffs usually include a more expensive rate, such as 20p, applied during the rest of the day.

Today I am reading an interim report from a company which operates solar farms.

Whilst power prices reached six year highs of £67/MWh in September 2018, the period to December 2019 has seen prices fall close to 10 year lows, at £39/MWh. The driving force behind this reduction in day ahead power prices and short term forecasts is considered to be the oversupply of liquified natural gas, which in turn has led to falling gas prices.

So there you have it. Generators which can only produce during the peak-demand period are securing 4p per unit. When you next receive a missive from your supplier concerning increasing costs make sure that you reach for the salt.

In the case of this particular company the situation was slightly better. They were able to achieve 5.6p per unit.

However, as the Company was able to use its flexible PPA strategy to take advantage of strong power prices in September 2018, striking fixes for over two years on the majority of its portfolio, the average price achieved per MWh for the period to 31 December 2019, at £56/MWh, was considerably higher than both the average day ahead base load price of £41/MWh and the average price for the period to December 2018 (being £46/MWh).

The situation is slightly worrying. People such as me who are looking for income from various sources may have invested in power generators as a safe and steady, if unremarkable, income stream. With the effects of COVID-19 (Corona Virus) likely to result in a reduced demand for energy, in the near term at least, the situation is likely to get worse before it improves.

This is old news.
What’s really in your sausage?

In the same vein, the following video interview is really weird. If it’s sheer antisemitic propaganda, how come youtube doesn’t censor it immediately?
I forgot the term but there’s a method of psyop where you broadcast the bare naked truth, which is too unbelievable and unacceptable for the uninitiated, so that what’s true gets buried.


20,000 children raped in one year - yep diversity is good for us?



That’s a scary wolf.

I don’t know if this story is real or just made up, but similar stories abound throughout the world. Paul Harvey talked about a man who was saved by a big wolf in the Midwest somewhere during a snowstorm, as his car had broken down and he started to walk home and got stuck in the snow.

To answer the question, World War III has been on for some time. It’s not fought with guns and bombs.
The war is on for your mind.

At a university in Australia, there were a bunch of girl students from Saudi and some wore ugly rag like that.

At one point, I joked when I saw a classmate in town by saying, Hey, nice to see your face again!

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Haven’t watched this yet but thought I would share anyway(will watch later) More abt UK immigration from Akkad

This Akkad guy’s voice reminds me of Sebastian Cabot.

The problem with pseudoscience is it can now be questioned and disproven with modern technology.

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I can’t post this on corona virus thread, because it’s jealously guarded by the guy who started the thread.


You can post it in any thread to which it is applicable. It appears to me to be appropriate for that thread. It is opinion, just like most of the replies there.

All the OP can do is complain. He can’t delete it.

By the way, this site owns the thread as it does all other threads. The OP doesn’t. Nor does any other user.

Not sure I understand why you say that D - have you tried - Exodus is ok.
Whats to source of your post I’d like to follow up

Oh, my mistake.
I thought it was started by Dr M.
He is such a domineering kind.

Lack of curvature?
You mean these women running?
I don’t think so.

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It is all part of David Copperfield’s arsenal

TBH these phenomena are all reminders that we are fallible.

As someone who has messed around with HF radio in the past it is interesting to align these findings with the phenomenon that distance communication at night is far superior to what can be achieved during the day. With the plethora of material emerging which reveals the effects of atmospheric compression it is apparent that the best propagation can probably be achieved close to a water surface where ground-plane effects will also contribute positively.