The Rabbit Hole

Reminds me of

Makes ya wonder don’t it?

Interesting replies to Sargon

… is there any other kind?

That is not true. The ‘A’ in NAZI stands for ‘workers’ (or similar) and comes from root Arbeit which means ‘work’ in German.


A flat out segue to more lies we’ve been told.

I had a Doberman that loved green beans…and Flamin’ Hot Crunchy Cheetos! addition to vanilla ice cream.

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Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei

would be NSDAP, and not Nazi Party.

Just like Bundesrepublic Deutschland (Federal Republic of Germany or West Germany) was BRD, and Deutsche Demokratische Republic (East Germany) was DDR.

especially dogs, who are carnivorous.

Although the Chinese culture is based on agriculture, it seems to preserve relics from hunting/gathering days.

… and I have seen more than one dog that loves beer.

My dog loves coconut oil - but he also loves blood LOL

We should get Sargon on BP

What’s in “dog food”?

Where’s the beef?

As a freshman at GT in 1961, my roommate and I kept an albino parakeet named Zookie and let him fly freely in the room when we were there.

He’d light on the top of any newspaper being held and read, tearing of little pieces and throwing them all over the reader’s lap. He’d walk back and forth on the top bunk and the chest of drawers.

One evening, I got him drunk on beer, using a coffee cup he could perch on. He was on the top bunk. He staggered as he walked but made it to the edge of the bed…where he tried to fly. He took just three, short, ineffective flaps as he tried to make it across the room, getting only halfway as he went down at about 45° and skidded up under a chair (which I think was his target).

Since it took only a few drops to get the bird drunk, we didn’t allow him to sip beer after that.




Hmmm, tobacco kills germs… among other things.



Go to the bottom of the page you linked
Left hand side, last row of ingredients: “meat and bone meal”
Not specifically beef I realise.

That’s sorta like “mechanically separated chicken byproducts” … whatever comes through the sieve.