The Rabbit Hole

The Japanese news media talk about the population crisis: too many old people and too few young work force, given the baby boomers (born between 1946 and 1950 or so) are in retirement age.
Many of these boomers are college educated and skilled in one trade or another while many are expected to reach 90 and older.

The current Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, is fast losing support due to a few things, mostly due to his tax increases, and not being effective in preventing the virus from entering the country; but even without him, the ruling party (Liberal Democratic, American lap dog) is expected to stay in power.

That’s the political situation in Japan. But overall, the increased chemtrails — which cannot be good for you — speak volumes.

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Coronaviruses originate in animals — like camels, civets and bats — and are usually not transmissible to humans. But occasionally a coronavirus mutates and can pass from animals to humans and then from human to human, as was the case with the SARS epidemicin the early 2000s. (SARS stands for “severe acute respiratory syndrome.”) China’s National Health Commission confirmed that 15 health care workershave become infected, indicating that the virus can spread from human to human.

Maybe NPR is telling lies.

Coronaviruses originate in animals — like camels, civets and bats — and are usually not transmissible to humans. But occasionally a coronavirus mutates and can pass from animals to humans and then from human to human, as was the case with the SARS epidemicin the early 2000s. (SARS stands for “severe acute respiratory syndrome.”) China’s National Health Commission confirmed that 15 health care workershave become infected, indicating that the virus can spread from human to human.

As is everyone els in the world.

Virus inactivation by hydrogen peroxide

occasionally a coronavirus mutates and can pass from animals to humans and then from human to human,

So, it must have been happening for millions of years.

Why the big panic in China now (if it’s not a bioweapon)?

Could the Chinese government be working against the Chinese people?
That’s one scenario — hard to believe, but feasible, given the events at the Tiananmen Square over 30 years ago.

80K Americans died from the Flu last year. Over 10K this year.

Seems that would be a bio weapon not the laughable Chinese virus if your into conspiracy bullshit and all.

p.s. The media and people like you hype it.

What’s your point?
(I don’t read all your posts.)

Can you put it in plain English?

I suspect even plain english wouldn’t help you comprehend the issue.

OK. If I don’t understand your plain English, it’s a good sign that I do understand more sophisticated English by sophisticated people.

Silly talks aside, one thing is clear. It’s a bioweapon dropped smack-dab in the middle of China to paralyze its economy, but it hasn’t caused any megadeaths.

Cui bono?
The Chinese government? Certainly not.
The Deep State in the USA? Most likely.

The deaths and suffering of the people in China are unfortunate, but they are mostly due to the Chinese government’s inability to deal with the situation properly in a timely manner.

Maybe just the NWO “elite”? This has world wide implications.


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Basically, you can’t trust any government.
Some are bad.
And others are badder.


There is a social problem in Japan. The young have become self-centred and self-serving. They do not want families and have not been instilled with the family as a necessary and fruitful cause. Instead they are uninterested in meeting the opposite sex and instead sit and play video games and the like … allegedly.

Italy suffered the same fate a decade ago, or more. There was a TV program in the UK looking at the falling birth rate, and all the empty school desks in the villages in parts of Italy. The program included a scene where the mayor of a village went into the tavern (bar) and beseeched the men therein to go home and start having sex. The men seemed unwilling due to the high probability of pregnancies. There are now a number of ‘dead’ villages in parts of Italy.

If you believe in God you might argue the He was preparing the ground for the migrant influx. Italy has been repopulating some villages with the incoming boat-people. Italy has also decided that it now has enough new people.

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:laughing: I missed this one ! I’m retired, done my bit for the country and have more than a fistful of grandkids now too !

Plus I can’t find my hammer right now :grin:


God may be preparing something.
But what is this something?
Depopulation, “executed” as humanely as possible.

In many parts of the world, the sky is covered with chemtrails and they can’t be good for you.

You know 1st world country citizens have been beaten down for many decades on the harms of overpopulation by their & our governments MSM. Save the planet, save the whales, save the snales, shortages of food, shortages of space, energy shortages, wars, std’s, costs of living rising. Like good sheeple we’ve reduced our offspring to 1 or 2-3 thus keeping the population steady with a slower growth for the future. Now the governments that tells us to abort children, even up the time of birth, are bringing in underdeveloped unskilled migrants by the hordes as our replacements by decree from the “United Nations”. If you don’t realize we’ve been duped you are unfortunately brainwashed. If you think about it why do we need to be replaced, it can’t be just for cheap unskilled labor. There’s a flaw in that way of thinking. Automation on everything is only a few years away. It seems more like a preperation for a feudal societal system with the few rich and the many uneducated poor. No room for an educated middle class. Our 1st world governments are pushing us around violating the laws they are supposed to uphold. They serve their own interests at our expence.

Hope you don’t mind I posted it in the Coronavirus thread.

The middle class Chinese citizens have become obsolete and are being eliminated by their communist government. Mao Zedong eliminated 60 million people about 70 years ago. As that pain is still in the memories of the elders the Chinese are being cruely genocided again.