The Rabbit Hole


Thank you for the acknowledgement, though I cannot remember it!

It is possible to go forward in time, but not possible to go back. At the speed of light, time stands still. So, at speed there is a slowing of time. Space time is a fabric that is warped by forces, like masses producing gravitational fields. In black holes there is no time. However, speed has to be relative to something, what? So if there is no real speed, and as speed is distance/time, there cannot be real time.

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I honestly don’t understand how time works.
There is a term called timeline, which is equally mysterious.

What Tom Brown describes is his experience in going back hundreds of years, and finding the evidence of what had actually transpired. (He and his pal found a basket an Indian woman had dropped exactly at the same spot, though several inches away, because a big tree was there, which did not exist then)

If it was merely Tom’s vision, it is unusual in itself, because he and his pal saw the exact same thing.

[quote=“Didgevillage, post:7482, topic:132”]
I think it’s a very boring mind who calls anything unexplainable a lunacy.

I agree. My reply to Exodus was a joke and certain he understood that.

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That’s one reason I frequent a lot of BarBQ joints. :innocent:



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Vapor trails… :rofl:


This clown has god like status now while poor old David Bellamy who recently died, got the boot by the BBC for refuting the claims about climate change/global warming.
The writing has been on the wall for so long and still many can’t see it.

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There is proof of cloud seeding since the 40’s/50’s , so who knows what the hell goes on up there but nothing would surprise me. Targeted release of chemicals etc in specific locations etc etc etc.

I would rather be on the side of knowing there are powers with a whole host of capabilities to facilitate certain agendas than to mock.

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Contrails are vapors and disappear.

Chentrials are chemicals that do not. They spread and eventually come to the ground for the people to breathe.

Chemtrails contain different chemicals and bacteriological agents depending on the time and location.

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Depending on atmospheric conditions, contrails can linger for hours, and drift along with natural clouds as they slowly become wavy lines instead of the straight lines they initially formed as.

You will note that the sinister emissions in @AlexC’s video and the contrails in my video ALL are emitted from the engines of the aircraft producing them.

…and they all are formed some distance behind the aircraft.

Ask yourself this: Would chemicals be issued through the plane’s jet engines? It’s almost a rhetorical question.

The narration of @AlexC’s video is condensed bullshit.

The Quran gets a bad rap as promoting sex with minors.
But actually, the Talmud is worse.

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Can you provide relevant quotes from the Talmud? Please provide “chapter and verse”.

The video tells you.
It was also in another thread.

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