The Rabbit Hole

3 down 5 to go lol…

@magog what do you mean by that?

There were 8 Hasbara trolls now there are 5 - the last one to go(before Samm) was call-me-ishmael

are you trying to get these posters banned?

What is a Hasbara troll?

It’s a tag that @Magog attaches to everybody she hates because they don’t accept her conspiracy or anti-Semitic bullshit.

I am likely on her meaningless fucking list.

They don’t need any help from me.

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Google it or Duck it

I asked you. What is YOUR definition?

Same as Googles…

So Google or Duck can state your definition. You can’t. Good to know you have such a firm grip on your stances.

If ppl ask stupid q’s they will get answers they deserve.
And if they ask the same stupid q more than once rhey deserve no answer.

So, no thoughtful definition you can come up with. Just go read what I believe online.

I am a conservative. I read a lot of things online that I agree or disagree with regardless of what slant is presented. That makes me a person with my own critical thinking skills. Not a robot swallowing hook, line and sinker.

So, if I have to read what you believe from a website and be called stupid because you can’t engage in a thoughtful manner then your stances really aren’t worth my time.

I call them shabbos goys.
Shabbos is Yiddish for sabbath.
Goy is a non-■■■■

In olden days, before electric timers were invented, ■■■■ hired non-■■■■ to turn on and turn off light, fire, etc., on a sabbath which is forbidden for religious ■■■■■

Thus a sabbos goy today is someone who works for the benefit of ■■■■■ usually at the expense of the (unsuspecting) non-■■■■■■ majority.

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If that is true you don’t need me to tell you my definition.
And if you had applied some critical thinking to your q and DYOR you would already have an opinion and would know what a Hasbara troll is.
It’s also fairly obvious what my definition is, so why would you even ask

It is amazing how often I imagine that my knees are aching.


Could it be because @DMK is not appraised of your personal beliefs … although if so she must have had her head in the sand.

Anyway, thanks for making me refresh my memory

Hasbara is a form of propaganda aimed at an international audience, primarily, but not exclusively, in western countries. It is meant to influence the conversation in a way that positively portrays Israeli political moves and policies, including actions undertaken by Israel in the past. Often, Hasbara efforts includes a negative portrayal of the Arabs and especially of Palestinians.

Just by looking at the thumbnail of the video, anabolic steroids come to mind. Didn’t Arnold Schwarzenegger have a quadruple or more heart bypass cause of all the chemicals he injected in his muscles since his youth? Taking drugs to enhance looks and performance is unhealthy.
The things people do to be popular borders on insanity.