I only heard the first minute of the video and I know the rest of the story.
Soviet/Bolshevik/communist camps tested fluorides in drinking water on inmates and discovered that they become so docile the camp management could reduce the number of guards on duty.
What’s scary about the chemical is that, if you cook rice with fluoridated water for example, the whole damn rice becomes toxic.
Eustace Mullins dedicated one chapter to the fluoride conspiracy in his “Murder by Injection”
Running tweaks like nothing else can as effectively. Everything becomes really tight and sharp. I haven’t done much in the last two months and I am going to do a 6 miler today on trail. At the moment I feel a bit squishy. I know one run and it will all be tight again. You feel your stomach muscles get pulled in.
It is a good feeling being fit. You notice it most at altitude. It’s great being able to sprint up ten flights of stairs and not breathe any differently, whilst everyone else is clinging on, panting away, looking like they’re dying.
I admit though, that women’s bodies aren’t as well adapted to running (or any other sport) as men’s. Women suffer more from doing too much. I like my face the way it is and I don’t want to end up looking weathered or ropey. I am a fairweather runner, though in the UK that somewhat limits much of the year, hence the treadmill and gym setup.
Yes, he summed everything up quite well meaning he knows the score. Probably the most knowledgeable guest blabber mouth Jones has.
Besides DuckDuckGo you can use Brave.
I use factor 50 on my face and wear a running hat. It sort of act like blinkers too because when you’re busting your gut, it isn’t good to look too far ahead. It’s not just the sun, it’s the wind too that damages the skin. Look at North Sea fishermen!
I drink bottled spring water. I use distilled water to make coffee and instant whole grain Cream of Wheat. My only uses of the county water system are in showering, flushing, washing dishes, washing clothes and outdoor use. Fluoride hasn’t hurt my car yet.