The Rabbit Hole

supposedly said, he who knows speaks not, he who speaks knows not.
Eternal truth (tao) is always laughed at.

But I can’t find the damn passage in the Chinese original.
(Tao te ching)

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Air force pilots have been using oxygen at altitude for a long time. I suspect it is a cost issue. Yes you could pressurise the cabin of an F-15 or whatever ( maybe they do ! ) but that would add extra weight, and in any case a secondary system would have to be available for when or if ‘a hole’ suddenly appeared in the body of the aircraft.

The higher the aircraft flies the lower the absolute pressure, and that has a direct bearing upon the survival of the pilot. IIRC 15,000 ft is the operable ceiling for pilots with no environmental assistance. Above that altitude the required percentage of oxygen increases markedly because the air pressure, and therefore the total available mass of gas, reduces considerably.

With particular reference to NASA and the Apollo missions:

NASA introduced a 60:40 mix of nitrogen to oxygen. On the ground, the cabin pressure was around 16 psi, slightly above atmospheric pressure (to allow for cabin pressure seal checks). This was bled during ascent until a cabin pressure of 5 psi was reached (about 1/3 the pressure we breath) by which time all nitrogen was purged, leaving 100% oxygen.

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He’s talking of the replacement oxygen within the life support system attached to the spacesuit, NOT to the interior atmosphere of the various cabins the astronauts are in when they are not wearing spacesuits.

Interesting take on Stephen Yaxley-Lennon

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Hey! @Jen Look what I found in The Tomb … could it be ?

Eating 3 meals-worth of food in say 6 meals a day is ideal. The more consistent you are with feeding your body, the less likely it is to store fat. The less likely it is to store fat, the less likely you are to develop type 2 diabetes, since it’s been found to develop due to excess fat in the pancreas. If you’re not storing fat, then neither is your pancreas. At least that’s the ongoing theory. I’m not a doctor, I’m just a currency speculator.

I got fat when I was eating only once or twice a day, when I was working two jobs. When I finally cut the loser job out, and started eating more often, I got rid of some fat. When I added exercise, things got even better. What I found was consistency is key. Having a solid schedule with both my diet and my exercise routine worked wonders. If I wanted to eat a roast beef sandwich for breakfast, and it was in line with my dietary goals, FINE! It doesn’t always have to be a calorie dense meal of eggs and bacon at that time. If it was half a pound of turkey breast 3 hours later with romaine lettuce, cottage cheese, and diced tomatoes, GREAT!

Your DNA is smarter than those folks at I.D.E.A.

Also, sorry if you’re dealing with it. I’m a fan of figuring out my own problems and solving them. My Mom’s a type 2 diabetic, and I’ve been trying to figure out how to get her off her insulin. The reason why I said “unfortunately I don’t have it”, is because in some borderline sadistic way, I want to experience it so I can figure out how to stop that shit through my own personal experience/sacrifice. I’m not a fan of people that stand on the other side of the glass and prod with another needle or two, and hope that their new theory finally works.


What I still don’t get abt the apollo missions is how the F they managed to transport enough oxygen for 3 astronuts to breath for 10 days.
Looking at the scuba analogy a tank of oxygen lasts abt an hour so for 10 daysX3 astronauts you would need an awful lot of gas cylinders
But lets look at the space suit…
The suits in 1969 needed to handle really extreme temperatures ranging from from – 225 to + 243 every single day and night” .
The surface would be so hot that moon boots would have to be made in the 1960’s of material that would not melt. Special material gloves would have to also be able to touch instruments and pick up lunar rocks of up to two hundred degrees or more temperature while keeping the fingers cooled.
We are told by NASA that the two astronots going to the Moon surface had to change out of their flight suits and change into their much bulkier moonwalking space suits which meant detaching and reattaching tubes, for their excrement’s, oxygen, communicaton and cooling systems.
All within a severely confined small tin can called the Lunar Landing Module or LM which took them to the Moon surface and back to dock with the Command Module awaiting in orbit around the Moon.
Also after 10 days in space 3 guys would generate a lot of effluent - what happened to it?
Sorry I still got so many q’s about the moon landings I could write a book and sorry I just do not believe to official story. After reading the attached doc ask yourself one q - would you be willing to go to the moon in a ‘‘tin can’’ coz I’m bloody sure I wouldn’t

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Compressing oxygen into storage containers gets a lot of oxygen into a small space. You’re confusing a compressible gas with something non-compressible, like water. A gallon of water always takes up the same volume. An equal volume (one US gallon) of oxygen at atmospheric pressure can be compressed into a much smaller volume.

As compressed oxygen is used, the pressure within the container decreases until the oxygen is depleted. Depending on the initial pressure and the rate of usage, the duration of the initial supply can be calculated.

Also, oxygen can be stored in liquid form. This concentrates the oxygen greatly. The expansion ratio for liquid oxygen is 1:861, meaning that a one cc of liquid oxygen expands to become 861cc of gaseous oxygen at atmospheric pressure.

I don’t pretend to know how everything works in a spacesuit. Here is a NASA explanation of spacesuit.

Thanks btw but no I’m not dealing with it. From general knowledge I understand if women need insulin they must take shots or have an insulin pump on them. As for men they might be able to avoid the shots with weight loss and regimented exercise but it depends on other factors as well.
No need to be sadistic cause we all break down the older we get, one way or another, it’s part of the program of life. You can try but you can never be in another’s shoes, (maybe for a minute or two, maybe), but what you can do is empathize, have real compassion and do your best to help.



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Bottom line.
There is an atmosphere on the Moon, equivalent of that on high Himalayas.
Once you get acclimatized, you don’t need any space suit or oxygen tank.

Same goes for Mars and Venus. The temperatures are also comparable to those on Earth.

The fake photos from the “Moon”:
The size proportion between Earth and Moon doesn’t match.
Like I mentioned earlier, the light from the sun is parallel, but the shadows on official photos show that the light source is a big, big studio light, which doesn’t give parallel shadows. And it makes the center of the photo always brighter.

Haha, it reminds me of Socrates complaining about Plato, his disciple, always putting words in his mouth.

So not only when I eat brie, I get a good dose of vitamin k2, but I also get a high? Man I love cheese!

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Gouda is best for some radicle that promotes arterial repair, IIRC.


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Blue cheese?
That’s mold, isn’t it?

I’m trying to keep molds out of my brain for free thinking. LOL

So, speaking of natural foods, etc.

I had lunch today with a good friend who has been through hell with radiation and chemo for breast cancer.

She is now into natural alternatives. One she recommended was a brand of CBD/Hemp oil. Not for me but for my dog (of all things, lol). I have a rescue that was horribly abused and now that she is grey in the muzzle the injuries are taking their toll. So, I bought the product and she is as spry as a puppy. Kind of amazing.

She is also into Kava drinks. I’d never heard of it but it seems interesting. Anyone have any thoughts on it? I might try it.

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@DMK Your friend or your dog is into kava drinks :blush:

My mum was recently given the all clear on ovarian cancer after extensive treatment but 3 weeks ago her markers were a little high. She is now taking various natural products to hopefully combat cancer cells re-grouping but recently started using cbd and said it has helped with the pain in her joints.
Not sure about kava just googled It and it appears harmless enough, although as with all these natural remedies there will undoubtedly be propaganda from big pharma telling us we will drop down dead if we even look at it.
It looks like a good alternative to anti depressants with the beneficial side effect that it reduced the risk of cancer in mice :grinning:

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