The Rabbit Hole

Reminds me of the old adage - when in a hole, stop digging LOL.

I’ve been keeping up on that thread. Some of the sentiments expressed are… interesting. :wink:

A guy weedled his way into being in charge of the ‘mess’ in order to avoid having to fly, and he did this by producing good food and showing aptitude for sourcing raw materials … in which he appeared to be involved in the procurement process at both ends!


Since this is generally a well mannered group, I just wanted to give all of you the heads-up that we have the green light to start banning indiscriminately in order to restore order. If you feel yourself taking the bait on something, please don’t. Just walk away. Things are going to get ugly over the next few hours/days.

We are all quite tired of this and I am sure all of you are as well.


@DMK you see it isn’t just the Hannity group, we have that problem too!

I agree. Just to check up on what virtual friends are saying here and give a like or move on to the next topic is interesting and comforting. Share a thought or two is fine also. But some behave like spoiled brats always wanting to get their way or have the last word. That is very foolish.

Just leave his abusive PMs to the mods. I am sure they enjoy reading them. :rofl:

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You are getting bothered over PM? We can’t see those unless we get directed to them or unless the internal algo picks up something really bad or our traffic monitors detect a lot of activity on hidden URLs.

Care to include me in the conversation? Cross-site recruitment is prohibited.

No worries. I’m not joining the conversation.
I think it’s already DOA.
I included you anyway.

Ok one sec - there are about to be fireworks on the other thread. I need to get over there.

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Thought I’d lighten things up a bit.


I am in Lanzarote at the moment and I haven’t seen a single charge point, but lots of petrol stations. Fuel is €1.00 a litre. Why is it so cheap in Spain? France is about €1.50. Yellow vests are still going I hear and no wonder.

Oh good grief, I see you added @KVN to Ross’ shit show… :rofl:

It would be hilarious if someone did. That’s all I can say about that.

Alex… seriously. :wink: I’d have an extra copy of chromosome 21 to fall for that one :joy:

He even mentioned “lets go to our special place” in the moderator thread.

I was going to reply, “my short bus only stops in front of my house in the mornings, see you then!” but given the current mood there…I’m not sure it would have been appropriate :rofl:


I have found Doc’s thread on Trump and Spygate quite interesting, not to say eye-opening.

I had already considered that as a business venture, but thought I might pack-out the back of a van with LiFePO cells and then offer a CCS rescue service. Was considering how to charge the cells, fallback being a generator ( :face_vomiting: ) but there is also solar panelled van roof, or simply charging at a convenient hook-up point.


I know, isn’t it interesting how the truth comes out because some have a conscious. I remember Pieczenik, who admits he is ■■■■■■■ would be on Alex Jones programs years back and anytime he’d say anything controversial about Israeli policy or about some particular corrupt ■■■■■ Jones would cut him off for fear of loosing his wealthy sponsors.
Now he rants freely on his own YouTube channel.