The Rabbit Hole

(yes)today I voted for English Democracy … or something like that.
I would have voted for Stephen Yaxley-Lennon but I didn’t see his name on the ballot.

The only votes that count are the ones that select which of those in the political stratosphere are going to receive a salary.


Now that you are going to vote again, may I make the following observation.

JRM is not ready for the top job, IMHO
So vote Boris on the basis that…
a) it will be a short term tenure
b) JRM might get a cabinet position and valuable experience out of this

I forgot my ball-point pen, and when I got to the booth I realised why you said/wrote it.

So I pressed extra heavy on the provided 4B pencil…

I asked if your vote counts because I heard a gentleman last week (from the UK, popular here but I can’t remember his name) on the radio who basically said the elites in the EU pull the strings and voting has basically become a sham (paraphrasing).

I am not terribly well versed on Brexit, sorry to say. To summarize what I know, UK voted to leave the EU in 2016. Since then it has been a battle between the parties on how to smoothly exit. Theresa May’s proposals left too many ties to the EU, in essence somewhat nullifying the purpose of Brexit?

Looks like she’s resigned over it.

She has resigned. To be fair to her, she was the last (wo)man standing at the last leadership election. One by one the other contenders dropped out. However, she now has a generous pension and bodyguards for life.

Also, she was a declared remainer … but softly. Nobody can blame her for her attempts to achieve Brexit even though she might wish for something different. The only attribute really up for criticism was her ‘please can we leave’ approach, rather than adopting a ‘goodbye, now let us talk about our future relationship’ stance.

The breathtaking scenario of recent weeks has been hugely damaging. The disastrous behaviour of the government (which is different from the elected MPs) in their attempts to achieve nothing has brought home to the public just who is in the ‘House’ and where their brains are.


I became a member so I could vote Boris. :wink:

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Meanwhile, bleating on about climate change… :rage:

Brexit Party are steaming home with the bacon!
( apologies to our Moslem friends :slight_smile: )

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Foreign Office minister Mark Field has admitted since 2016 the department spent £87,000 on projects to improve the “environmental regulation of shale gas development in China”.

Did anybody consider that this might be a shrewd way of buying fracking technology.

Did anybody consider that an MP’s salary (equivalent sum) was a bigger waste of money than buying into Chinese fracking.

…nice picture of a couple of workmen having a cuddle half way up a drill rig.







If that’s not a hardy breakfast, I’ll never see one!

Posting the scenario this way makes it appear obvious that people are getting pissed off with the current governing bodies and yet the BBC and Sky this weekend and yesterday were biasing their news casts as if the results didn’t show this picture.
The BBC even had some professor spouting that the UK vote showed that the remain voters were showing strength and the outright win by the Brexit party didn’t send a very clear message.

The problem will always be that news corps driven by the elites money will produce propaganda news at every opportunity even from, or in fact especially, the BBC.

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Censored - If you want to understand European immigration THIS IS A MUST WATCH - Depressing.

Not so much LOL


Some aspects of the royal family have a real whiff about them

Think Prince Andrew and Lolita express

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The revolution has started

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I’m not a fan at all to be honest.

Nigel’s recruiting. Anyone interested?