The Rabbit Hole

you are naive der kommissar
the goal of islam is to make sure the world is following Sharia law the one and only true law and it trumps(pardon the pun) all man’s laws.

Muhammad tried, his followers tried even after they split into Sunni and Shia factions and other smaller factions and the followers of the salafi jihadi movement is sticking to the plan.

Sooooo let me guess your rejoinder will have something to with Mossad???


You are indeed a bloody idiot. Even though Churchill begged for our help, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was the trigger.

Perhaps you blokes would not be instigating a Brexit today if you were part of one big German society, sporting your jackboots, waving swastikas and licking some descendant of Hitler’s ass.

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And why did they attack Pearl Harbour.
Yes Churchill did beg - the mistake was you listened.

US foreign policy is another total joke.

Think this is another example of the ‘‘law of unintended consequences’’

Plainly put, any projection of Russian power in the US’ backyard will at some point sooner rather than later impress upon Washington the imperative need to constructively engage Moscow in dialogue and negotiations, howsoever unpalatable that prospect might be.

I was two years away from being born. I’m not sure why they did it. I suppose it might have had something to do with this:

The U.S. and Japan had been butting heads for decades and it was inevitable that things would eventually culminate into a war. Japan had imperial ambitions to expand to China to solve some demographical and economical problems and to take over the Chinese import market. When in 1937 Japan decided to declare war on China, America was very against this aggression and responded with trade embargoes and economic sanctions. Specifically, the oil embargo that America organized with the British and the Dutch was a thorn in the side for Japan, which imported 90% of its oil. Without oil Japan’s military could not function and all war efforts would come to an end. Negotiations had been going on for months between Washington and Tokyo, without any resolution, so Japan decided to attack first.

From the thanks we get from bloody idiots like you, I suppose it was. Were it not for our help and that of other allies, you’d be giving some Nazi SS officer a rim job daily.

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Nope I made a commitment to Jen that I wouldn’t in here. That doesn’t stop me anywhere else tho - another ‘‘law of unintended consequences’’

That commitment applied to the Rabbit Hole thread. You can always start your fucking lunacy in another thread in the Rabbit Hole category.

There’s no need for you to fuck up the public sector.

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The reason is irrelevant, the outcome was they did attacked Pearl Harbor
whether that POS Roosevelt knew in advance is the only question

My commitment was to the RH category not the thread.
Which means I had to find an alternative outlet for my message.
And I will always be grateful to my Hasbara friends for opening my eyes to the wider opportunities and audience this has shown me.
The law of unintended consequences applies here

American soldiers aren’t dying for our freedom in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. They’re dying for nothing

And on the brighter side! Democrats did what they do so well. When their hand was called, they ran for the hills. Have never understood why republicans have been scared to stand up to them and kick some ass. McConnel finally grew a set. :rofl:

Question of the day? Which one looks like a little scumbag socialist and which one looks looks like a decent member of society?

For those old enough (like me) that remember teddy murdering a young woman in less than 6 feet of water.

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I watched Trump sign the veto and watched Bill Barr defend his action as lawful. I also watched Trump’s rally Thur night. I am amazed at the brilliance of his strategy in dealing with the obama administration’s attempt to execute a coup against him. He let things run their course and is now in attack mode. I think the IG report will now be released, the fisa applications will be declassified and Barr will be forced to investigate or even appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the real criminals. That’s why conservative Americans love Trump. He’s a fighter. People I talk to are also now as pissed about the double standard of justice as they are about the border crisis. I think many former obama people have reason to be very worried.


A great opportunity to flag your incessant repetitive posts.


He hates puppies too.

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Why does no one talk abt Europhobia

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Don’t know if anyone is familiar with this story but briefly a girl who was at a care home for children in Nottingham some time ago has been trying to bring to the public’s attention the high level of abuse that went on there and the people involved. Anyway the bastards have had her locked up now for over a year without any representation. Yes this is going on to vulnerable people in 2019 in this corrupt country of ours. This is how they bury people who know too much. It’s a disgrace, if you live in the UK take a few minutes and write to your MP and ask for them to investigate this issue. They can do this to anyone.

Didn’t realise how long this has been going on for. Here is some more background. It seems she has been in prison a few times on jumped up charges since she first started to expose what was going on.

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That’s what I got when I tried to watch the video linked in the article.

I am certainly in no position to know who is responsible for this travesty, but I would bet my life that when such is discovered, it will be some member(s) of the aristocracy, the government or the royal fucking family.

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It works for me, but I am currently signed into Gargle…