The Rabbit Hole


  • Arse (for you continentals)

That may well be your experience. :joy: :rofl:

You would shag a Democrat? Ohhhh dear!!! I have climbed out through a toilet window on a date when after 3 mins I learnt he was a libtard! Looks donā€™t matter!

Nooo! Not the way to keep your looks. I have never ever smoked. Sun, smoking, bad diet and lack of sleep are the biggest agers. My face is about the same as it was 20 years ago, so is the body. Same weight since I was 18.

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When I was young and dumb, I wouldnā€™t have thought twice about political views, but after I set basic standards for myself, I ended up in a good marriage anyway, so I donā€™t even matter in that department anymore. lol

Political ways need to extend to in-laws! My first marriage ended because the in-laws were a family of libs and they hated me, especially the fat ex sister in law. So @asaratis now you know it wasnā€™t pizza!

Actually I still have most of my hairā€¦no bald spotsā€¦very little greying (except for the facial hair)ā€¦no crepe skinā€¦no saggy flabā€¦and no long ears.

People that guess my age since I turned 70 have never gotten within 5 years of it and all have been lowā€¦some recently as much as 20 years. I just initiated my 77th trip around the sunā€¦Iā€™m 16 days into it today.

I am well aged but not old. I consider old people to be those that have lived through 20 more years than have Iā€¦regardless of my age.

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Amazing and you apparently still have your marbles! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Good health!

@robgsxr, you may be interested in the pizza ex. :wink: The ex fat sister in law was married to an Irishman. They had a couple of kids. They were the most ardent subscribers to everything PC and were very righteous and smug about it. They were very much against anything competitive and would reprimand the kids as soon as they showed any sign of wanting to actually win at anything. I didnā€™t know it at the time, but they must have been the original supporters of cultural Marxism. Now the kids are grown up. In recent years I saw the Facebook profile of one of them. He was covered in tattoos and had his dick hanging out. His parents must be so proud! :rofl:

So thatā€™s when you turned against fat people! :smile:

Iā€™m a bit overweight but at 6ā€™-2" Iā€™m okay with it. Iā€™m not trying to impress anyone with my looksā€¦my moneyā€¦our my comments. All the people I need respect from already give it.

ā€¦and I do love pizza.


Thanks! Good health is all I really need these days. Same to you!


I quite like AOC ā€¦ until she speaks

If anybody doubts the effects of smoking here are a couple of shockersā€¦

That was the first easily discernible ā€¦ but then I found these !!

I would put these last two in their early 40s, gauged against my SOā€™s daughter who is about 42 and has about as many wrinkles as the girl on the right

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Get ready for open warfare between the NWO and the French nation.
Vive la France. :fr:


Compound smoking with bad diet and other bad lifestyle choices and you will really look rough before your time!

What?! She looks like a horse!

I think looks opens a door. If they start talking and show to have an IQ of a wombat, attraction would be totally dead. Likewise any leftie tendencies. Now, could attraction form if things were the other way round? Say looks not all that but they have it going on inside? Maybe. Whatā€™s inside shines outwards. What do you think?


Iā€™ve been smoking non-filtered cigarettes since I was 15ā€¦and I look fine. Many people that contract lung cancer have never smoked. Many people that smoke never have a problem with it. Overall though, smoking is bad for oneā€™s health. I discourage young smokers from continuing to be so. The longer was smokes, the harder it is to quit.

Looks mean less as time goes on. You show me a drop-dead gorgeous girl and some day Iā€™ll show you a man thatā€™s tired of putting up with her.

I had a friend back in the '60s who was married to what many would think to be a butt-ugly wifeā€¦eventually for well over 50 years. She was one of the most thoughtful and caring people Iā€™ve known throughout my life.

You had mentioned your ā€œsister in lawā€ or ā€œlump of lardā€ once before.
It is sad when offspring have to suffer because they rebel against their indoctrination.
Obviously it works both ways though and sometimes great things come from rebelling. I grew up in poverty on various council estates and assumed this was how life was but I had one aunt who married a business man and lived in a very different world. I visited her only once when I was about ten and knew immediately how I wanted my life to be. I still remember my mother calling me a snob because my first house at 20 was a brand new bungalow. I clocked sometimes 32 hour shifts to save up the deposit . This ethic came as a rebellion against my circumstances growing up.

I must confess though I would have also been guilty of having my dick hanging out inappropriately, probably pissing up a tree on a lads night out :rofl::blush::blush::blush:

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The beauty of America is itā€™s vastness. You can easily visit such rural places and explore. This is what I miss most about living there.
Here in the U.K. last year I stupidly drove one weekend over 200 miles to explore some caves only to find they had been fenced off by the British Heritage ā€œpoliceā€ so no public can get into them. They also turn them into tourist sites and steer you through like cattle for a fee. :rage::rage:
Enjoy your freedom while it exists


A funny story, my Uncle is a retired businessman who refuses to retire so he started a local gardening service.
He gives a special rate to the old people in the village in their 70ā€™s and 80ā€™s because they canā€™t get out and do their own gardens.
He is 92 this year :rofl::rofl:


I donā€™t actually smoke cannabis, I vaporize the oils, but itā€™s weird saying it like that. lol

The most attractive woman in our village (at one time, and IMHO) had the most wicked and flirtatious smileā€¦ looks otherwise average.

I was talking about usual smoking, not the wacky baccie stuff. Anyhow, that will make you psychotic and give you heart failure.

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