The Rabbit Hole

I seem to remember this was pretty good too :rofl:

Lego wasn’t too good. :crazy_face:

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LOL…don’t go there

You mean handcuffs?? :blush:


Hey, you quote me properly! :joy:



I got there first with that in the Brexit thread!

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Makes me feel at home here with all you crinklies. I’ve been having the most stupid and insane arguments with a Millennial. Imagine having one in your life, all that whinging!

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I posted a video on that thread about millennial problems, (it was satirical of course), and it was deleted (IDK how), because it was a problem for the millennial. :man_facepalming: The triggering was quick.
Anyway I posted it on the comedy thread so there.:joy:


I’m not brave enough to mis-quote you Jen :wink:



Can’t believe the leftist bastards are so blatantly trying to destroy the constitution and capitalism. The girly boy even is even actively campaigning on packing the supreme court.

Problem with crinklies is they are deaf, slow, senile and get in your way. :joy:

Ha, Ha – not sure what a crinklie is but I think I fit that category and I can assure you they don’t all get in your way. If you ain’t pushing the hell out of the speed limit, they be going round you like a bat outta hell! :rofl:

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Absolutely no comment needed here.

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Crinkly is a state of mind!
It starts the minute you’re born.
You’re a crinkly, you just haven’t realized it yet.

Did you know that when grandkids are with grandparents the kids relax and feel calm around them. It’s because of their temperament. They don’t get that from their parents who are a bundle of nerves, bzzz, bzzz, :honeybee:.


It does same time.

I have a rowing machine, elliptical and a recumbent bike. Put the in the TV/Stereo room, no chairs for sitting. Want entertainment, you have to exercise.