The Rabbit Hole

Actually you are half right, the main driver for US interests currently is not so much OIl, they already have imported Oil from Venezuela, in fact they are one of the biggest importers of VZ oil, it’s about primarily keeping the Chinese out of their back yard along with Russia as they are deemed too big of threat in the longer term due to China’s expansionist ambitions, and Russia’s competing interests as well. China is already talking about cutting their losses and taking their chances with the new regime in order to recoup their 50 billion dollar investment. If they continue supporting Maduro then in their eyes and in their long term strategic plan is that maybe the new regime will cut them out completely as they realize they no longer have control over the situation and the US has made it clear that they will support the new duly elected president. Thus by playing nicely they set themselves up for future negotiations without having the disdain and wrath to be looked upon as a foe. The RothChilds angle is a factor, but consider China is also been trying to set themselves up to have their currency as an alternative reserve currency to rival the petrol dollar. Jen posted a article about this not too long ago, and it is real.

Also on a side note, after spending the Chinese new Year here watching the most extravagant celebration in Beijing, there oddly was a theme running throughout and it seems China is poised and is gearing up for war, as they seem to push that narrative throughout to Chinese citizens as they were watching the festivities!

No doubt about it Devauxt! The Peronists it seems to have had a viral effect for many years over many neighboring South American countries. (Lets not mention the US’ CIA interventionists policies that earned the label El Gringo) Brazil finally realized that socialism is not the answer and had to suffer some major setbacks, but they seem poised to getting back on track with their own nationalists who preaches MBGA! So there is hope!

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Unfortunately, apart from RH(sometimes) there/s not much evidence of that happening

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This should put the tin hat on Universal Income :joy::joy:

Finland basic income trial left people 'happier but jobless

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Then and now - such a shame.

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Wasn’t this the failure of the so called “helicopter money”? Your right! This should be used for future arguments why socialism is always a failure and should not be considered as a solution to solving problems! Hello Cortez! You listening?

In the US we have a law called eminent domain and we are not a socialist country…yet.
We have nationalized more land than you think.
Are you defending the Rothchilds and the Soros cult? Shame.




If I saw Rothchild or Soros on fire in the street, I wouldn’t even piss on them to put the fire out. :wink:


You want the official globalist approved link or the free range human link?

What? No golden shower?

Well if China is poised for war it’s not cause the men are running to the military recruitment centers to volunteer for the glory of the land. Similar to the US citizens that don’t want war since we aren’t threatened.
Talking about back yard, why is US and UK meddling in the South China Sea? Or for that matter the US and UK overthrowing the legitimate government of Ukraine during the winter Olympics and installing a Nazi run pro west puppet regime. Who’s back yard is that?
The RothChilds angle is the only factor cause they own the land and us, they own us. They own the Military industrial complex Eisenhower warned as he was departing the presidency. He gave them the finger on his way out. It’s the oil, it’s power, it’s control. It’s to establish the NWO.
These wars benifit the very few in the club and as George Carlin would tell us, we’re are not in the club.

No, Dev’s too busy flossing his teeth. :joy:




You know that’s not true Jen as you can’t floss you teeth with rope :grin:

Why isn’t the police arresting the imam and stop their movement? Are they too busy arresting moms that mislabel trannies? No. The government is building them up because they are setting up the divide and conquer rule and they need to “invite” at least many million more for balance to eventually shut down both sides that they will control. This imam is in the know and he’s FOS. It’s not the religion, it’s power he craves.


But you can chew it then spit it out with the wildlife. :grin:

My teeth are not that strong and neither is my stomach

Be careful you don’t get a tidemark around your ahoulders.

certainly a case for a plank across the back