The Rabbit Hole

I have also seen with my own eyes how an an elite British force operates! Just think of 20 bear grillas who are spartan with their resources as opposed to Americans who tear everything down and rebuild!

Basera 2009 when British forces handed over to Americans! I was there when it happened!

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San Diego is still pretty nice, as far as I know, but I haven’t been there in a few years. Even though it’s a big metropolis, it has a small-town feel to it. And, of course, the weather is unbeatable.

San Francisco, yes, more and more of it is intolerable. It used to be that I’d take my wife to our favorite Italian restaurant there for our anniversary, but we haven’t gone in a few years. While waiting for the valet to bring the car, you have to endure aggressive panhandlers passing by. That area, North Beach, used to be a very nice place to go have dinner. It’s gotten run down, just like a lot of San Francisco.

Some years ago, we took my parents to Fisherman’s Wharf for their anniversary to a nice restaurant. While waiting in traffic on the main drag going through Fisherman’s Wharf, some wino stopped right next to us on the sidewalk, whipped it out and pissed on a tree like nobody else was there.

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And these are the Barbarians the UN think should have a right to migrate to Europe and the US


We need to remember that both the US and the UK have great service people, they both bring talent to the party


Perhaps you could introduce her to ISIS they have a thing about necks too

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According to this, Yanks are getting shorter and fatter. Oh dear!

Actually it’s true. British men can take insults like water off a duck’s back and come back for more. American men get all hurty and offended. Bless.

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Yet few change their poor lifestyle choices. Go figure.

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The blue print of taking advantage of a liberal! Love it and it’s brilliant! Sometimes it’s the simplest of thoughts that gets us to the promise land!

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I am not a vampire, just an admirer of some things in its simplest beauties! Sometimes even creatures can inspire to some! Have you’ve ever arrived at love?

That is a bunch of bullshit! Who write this crap? Soy drinking beta males from New York!? Average height in my family is 6”2! Come visit my reservation we’ll show you what real men are! We are cowboys and know how to live off the land, ride a horse, rope a cattle and shoot straight as our aim is true! Won’t find a liberal within 100 miles where I grew up. Most who venture in our sovereign territory selling their wares end up missing or returning home broken! No joke!

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It was a joke Doc - an example of British black humour.


I thought you grew up in New York? :joy:

I’d let my dog bite her neck. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Ok here she is, she’s shy and doesn’t want the world to know she fancies this old sows neck.
What’s the problem ? We haven’t got a problem protecting every other mongrels identity !!



This is such a classic. I have to post it again.


She talked all about her 80 year old grandmother yet nothing about why she’s obese.

There are some with medical issues that are medically obese but for the most part it’s poor lifestyle choices that fuel the problem.
I hate flying as the seats are narrow and over weight people take 1.5 seats inconveniencing everyone else.

There would be a fat tax used to pay for the additional healthcare required as overweight/fat people generally have hypertension or high cholesterol or both. Why should everyone pay for poor life style choices of many people?

I dunno, Doc. Go to the beach and look around. Only “hard bellies” ya see are somewhere tween 14 and 16 and they don’t look anything like the hard bellies I grew up with. Basically a bunch of lard butts these days.

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One third of the NHS’s budget is spent on obesity and obesity related diseases. The NHS is the fifth largest employer in the world. The UK has 0.5% of the world population.

I wonder how much of the NHS’s budget is spent on health tourism and Muslims.


You obviously have not met Magog.