Okay, but lacking that access, [/sarcasm] works just fine.
Do you live in Asia. Try it sometime then you might begin to understand my point of view! (sarcasm)
What point of view?
Nevermind! I really don’t have the time to try to explain.
Then I do understand your point of view.
And several of your crew seem to be hell bent against the ■■■■■
Do you really believe that Israel wants their best allies beset with Islamists?
I don’t think anyone is against ■■■■■ we’re all just digging around trying to find answers. Who do you think is behind the intent?
If you want stuck out tongue emoji on your phone or whatever else, type colon stuck_out_tongue colon no gaps like this or Start typing and it should come up. You will not see the emoji till it is posted. By the way I am on my phone.
Africans are pure Homo Sapiens. Everyone else has 2-4% Neanderthal DNA in them. Neanderthals did not die out. They understood their shortcomings; they were slower and less agile than Homo Sapiens, so they bred with the Homo Sapiens and the results are many of us today. Apart from pure Africans. But of course you are not allowed to state this fact.
Give your fingers a rest Doc !!
I think a little bit of appeasement won’t cut it this time is the hope I have.
Not so much contesting DOC, it was more to do with the financing, I think that scale has to be an ongoing commitment. My reference to Soros was about him and his club aren’t throwing loose change around on all the world’s distractions and on an ongoing basis, I’m sure that’s a stout old bill. Is that money coming from well stacked old wealth or fresh from the cash registers from us buying shit we don’t need, I don’t exactly know the split there to be honest but safe to say that top layer think it’s a worthwhile investment and they haven’t been wrong before which is how they are in the positions they are in but maybe this is our time and this is one dodgy deal too far.
You know I believe the plan is possible and yes you could be right in saying I over simplify, for example my pyramid model. It’s just I find it easier to deal with than trying to focus on every strand of the spiders web. My thinking is don’t consume as a starter and cause as much disruption as possible and yes some good old fashioned violence, they understand that stuff and ultimately is the only way to call time on it but that has been a tough message to get across but I think more people are coming round to that idea than ever before as the visibility of political corruption has to be at an all time high and even the most ardent of “the pen is mightier than the sword” groups are starting to doubt the process.
It was a joke about the guarantee Doc and was referring to exactly that shit we consume and throw away and replace in a very unreliable reliable cycle. I don’t doubt the technology and yes sure that the chipping etc etc would be flawless if we allow it !!
So what are your thoughts on who is behind the industrial level haulage of these knuckle draggers ?
Do you think they came up with the idea and financed it themselves ?
There is always a rush for ■■■■■■ defence and yet nothing as fervent for other cultures.
… Jim ?
Not gone the whole hog and adopted Spanish tho…
It was mentioned that this could be a false flag and I know Hollywood can produce some very realistic stuff but this looks the real deal to me.
Only one way to deal with these people and we have to start believing in that as a whole. It’s like gangrene, if they don’t cut out more than is required at the first attempt they have to keep chasing it. My Mother-In-Law had it in her toes, they took them off, it spread to her ankle only this time she said no messing cut it off at the knee. She lived another 10 years after that decision.
Our politicians are not prepared to apply the necessary surgery
Thats probly all true but its only America that has the power to bomb the shit out of anyone who doesn’t play ball.
Until now that is.
That is also why China and Russia are being demonized - They have bigger sticks
Claro que si. Vos no sabés lo que decís.