The Rabbit Hole

I live 40 miles to the east, in Contra Costa county, but I go there occasionally to see a doctor. I can tell you it’s crazier than ever, that turd map is exemplary of how screwed up it is.

A main drag there is Van Ness street, the opera hall, symphony hall, city hall are right there. It’s ridiculous what you see, people who have pitched tents right off Van Ness on a cross street, drug addicts and lunatics all over the place aggressively panhandling and worse. You park a car, it gets broken into. Not only do you look at the sidewalk when you walk to avoid turds, dirty needles are all over the place, too.

I worked downtown in the financial district for many years, and I stopped saying “now I’ve seen everything” because I said it too often.

Here’s a website dedicated to my favorite lunatic, a guy who would walk around downtown earnestly all day with a sign always saying something like “Impeach Clinton, 12 galaxies guiltied to a zegnatronic conspiracy”

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No. Do you?

Thats a shame. I staged in San Diego in early 69. Really liked the place and people. First became aware of the SF problems bout 10 years ago when a group of doctors from here voted not to attend a medical convention at SF because of the conditions. Big write up in the paper. Very uncomplimentary. Sounds the situation borders dangerous now.

Obviously, by my post, I do think about things like that.

I think about world peace and single payer.

Oh and puppies.

Ahh – lotta time in never, never land

I’m with ya there – also kittens, birds, squirrels, fish and critters in general.


all too funny though!

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This was great! Loved every minute of this! Funny!

They have been kicking the sleeping dog, and have been getting away with it for centuries. When an uprising happens, they will do just enough for appeasement sakes but then will be back at it again, and again, and again! Greed and power never sleeps, its just the nature of the beast!

I am not really sure what you are contesting STU. That such a plan is not possible or that the money to pay for it is not accounted for?

You are trying to over simplify this too much, I assure you its much more complicated and sophisticated to be able to just put it into “X’s” and “O’s”! Also let me reiterate, my premise I presented is just a theory, and not a stated fact, as there are many other variables to consider that makes such theories a continuing evolution of thought.

First, Soros is only one piece of the puzzle and plays a specific role in creating dissent for the purpose of disrupting nations sovereignty’s by trying to destabilize their institutions enough to implant his Marxist operators. There is also the Central banks, Multinational Corporations, Government entities, and the private operators with monies like Soros that draw from a very deep pool that all add up. Take into account that ORGS like the IMF, the FED, BOE ECB, EU and others operate with no to little oversight to be able to have transparency to the public. Compound that with Government and private Multinational ORGS, then its easy to assume that money is not in short supply for the power brokers of the 1%.

Take for instance Germany and its role in NATO. For years they have been skirting their financial obligations to the NATO agreed contribution, and as a result diverted such monies for weapons research. Now a lot can be said and criticized in believing in this view, however it is still a plausible one for example. My point is, it isn’t hard to conceive that financing is not an obstacle.

Lastly on Chinese cheap stuff. You are missing the point of a mass consumption societies, where things are not made to last thus always having a demand for newer stuff has been a cyclical process to feed the beast.

Remember me stating many posts ago about us living in a Mass consumption Culture? Mass Media, mass Consumption has replaced “authentic culture”?

Its essentially what has made China rise as a Super power because they have a labor force that comprises 1/6th of the worlds population and can meet the demands set forth by Globalist nations who have willingly ushered in mass consumption culture by praying on the addictive behaviors of humans who for the most part have overindulged in things such as XBox, Playstation’s, Smart Phones, Advertising, Television, film, Music, internet etc.

Also not all Chinese stuff is cheaply made. Take for instance their tech, such as mobile devices, Televisions, Surveillance tech, automation tech, and other things like drones, renewable energy, bio-tech as they have made extreme advances in these areas and are on record in wanting to overtake the US in the tech sector.

Here is a look at what China is trying to import to other countries and essentially is making a dry run for everyone to evaluate. China is banking on this technology for the sole purpose to cash in, and if you think the 1% is not invested in this, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you!

How long do you think it will be before this is imported to the UK? Who will be the first Western country to take China’s cue? Why do you think companies like Google, Apple, and Facebook have been in bed with the CHICOM’s committing corporate treason?

Think about the random acts of terrorism all across Europe and then you begin to piece together that making a case for more surveillance is warranted by Government officials who will sell this reasoning to the public!

Just this past June, and recently a few weeks ago, I have seen with my own eyes what this looks like, and its downright scary. They were watching my every move. I even had a robotic voice yell at me for crossing the street before the light turned red, not to mention being finger printed and facial profiled for their immigration database.

Here is a look at the beginning of automation

How many jobs in this video do you think automation will replace humans?


Notice how most Chinese citizens are using their phones with a QR code to pay for most things? This is the cashless society that is being pushed.


Exactly! Change is always excused as progress therefore it must be good, yet no one bothered to noticed that it virtually ruined a generation and robbed them of their critical thinking skills.

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Right! Who gave us Israel? Who gave us operation “Ajax?” Lets not pretend that Britain didn’t also play a role in being owned by the ■■■■■ He who lives in a glass house shouldn’t throw stones!

Isn’t David Cameron of ■■■■■■ ancestry? How many more?

Not really. Etna has been errupting every couple of years for at least the last 3-4000 years.

I guess you missed the tongue and cheek inference I was making! Not to be taken seriously!

1st video

Cue to 18:24

Here in Hong Kong, this is what is dominating news right now!

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There is an emoji for that. We can’t see your face, you know. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I can’t access them when on my phone for some reason!

Okay, but lacking that access, [/sarcasm] works just fine.

Do you live in Asia. Try it sometime then you might begin to understand my point of view! (sarcasm)

What point of view? :thinking: