The Rabbit Hole

How do you know? :wink:

I know about the void because it is here now along with the elements. Without the void there was nowhere for the elements to form into.
I can only live in my house because the house has been built on a plot of land. If lthe plot wasn’t there my house wouldn’t be either. Not the best analogy but it is the same principle.

How do you know that will be? Why will it be? :wink:

Because nothing is permanent. It is only due to our limited minds (thinking in human time frames) that we cannot imagine trillions of years passing during which time everything reverts to zero.

I have the greatest respect for the “mathematical laws” using them in engineering all of my working life. But all we have done is uncovered them and assembled them in books for later use.

The laws were and are, already in existence irrespective of humans finding them and they have been forever, even the ones we still haven’t discovered. Unfortunately as I say often, us humans are pretty limited in our thinking so it has taken many more generations than necessary to get to even where we are right now. And who knows in terms of technological advancement this might just be just the tip of the iceberg.

No, but he did a great workaround Congress, claimed some money in a defense fund that was unused. A nobody liberal judge told him he couldn’t do it. To the Supreme Court it went and the libbie judge got spanked. Now, the wall is underway :smiley:


That is true, especially for people with untreated mental health issues. I am speaking more about the type of people who look at the glass half empty rather than half full.

Again this contradicts the Law of Conservation of Energy. Things don’t appear out of nothing. Energy existed in some form. Conversely it will not disappear, only transform.

The void you talk about is space. Trillions of years you talk about is time. Space time is relative, warped by gravitational pulls (mass, energy). In a black hole there is no time. Time is a man made concept to connect the passing of events. Speed is only relative to another object you may consider “stationary.” But what is stationary? If there is no speed there is no time.

It’s funny isn’t it that the libs run to the courts every time they disagree with something and use their money to perverse the system, all the while crying foul. The courts are there to uphold the existing law, not make it. It is even funnier here because the courts are Her Majesty’s Courts and the Queen has given approval for the Government to prorogue Parliament. For goodness sake, around the time, Parliament is prorogued anyway, for the party conferences and there is only an extra week added on. These libs are whining about democracy being killed! Democracy when it suits them, when they have infiltrated Parliament by lying to the electorate, because they certainly do not represent the people, are now moaning the lack of Parliamentary democracy!


How delightful. Explains a lot.

And May was doing exactly what the queen told her to do LOL - as per my theory.

Yeah but its only a question of degree - I think Alex posted a meme recently that asked - what if when we die we find it so good up there that we wished we had died sooner?

They also never mention that the greatest betrayal of democracy would be failure to deliver Brexit.

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I saw that and was going to comment on it. But, really what is there to say to someone who finds someone getting stabbed “entertaining”? :roll_eyes:

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I suppose we have different outlooks. I believe we are each born with a spirit and a purpose to fulfill in this lifetime. Killing yourself may just mean you have to do a repeat. I’m not so sure about the reincarnation thing but I haven’t ruled it out, either. :wink:


I can’t believe I didn’t think of asking you this sooner. :flushed:

I had oral surgery two weeks ago and then again on Wednesday. I’ve been pretty much on a liquid diet and have to be on one for the next four days. Any suggestions on super healthy drinks I can make? I have a juicer and a blender but I’m no dietician. I can’t have anything acidic. So, it’s been yogurt, followed by yogurt. It is getting pretty old. :cry:


Become a Hindu, then you will have no uncertainties concerning reincarnation.

Unfortunately the skulduggery runs deep

Jen !! You are just looking for trouble, aren’t you.

Ignore him.

I understand and agree fully because that is all the knowledge we have today just as mankind believed the earth was flat until the masses elected to believe otherwise.
I anticipate we will discover another law that shows us the universe will revert to nothing but I am not anticipating man to be around for long enough to experience the change and final outcome :grinning:.

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Sorry about the loss of your brother.
“I will never feel the pain of the loss,
I will only feel the spirit of what was given.”

I like your quote.

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“Florida Man”

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This product has all essential nutrients for humans to survive and comes with several different flavors/tastes

Used in hospitals and nursing homes…
As a last resort.


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There is a story of a man talking to God:

God, if you are almighty, create a stone that is so heavy that even you cannot lift it up.

I though about it for some time and realized that “creation,” “stone,” “heavy,” “can,” and “lift” are all 3D concepts and perceptions.