The Rabbit Hole

Um, that is what I am speaking to.

And yes, it still burns me years later the amount I had to pay for what in moderation is beneficial but what is an overdose of is dangerous.

Drinking too much water can kill you.

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I love coconut oil as a moisturizer.

I am growing some in my yard (ugg they are hurricane torpedos) and I HATE palm trees.


The milk is supposed to be very, very good for you. I am honestly too lazy to find the article, but I did a bit of research on it awhile back. Maybe Medicine Hunter? But if I recall it is close to blood serum. Drinking it is very healthy and there are quite a few benefits to it.

Since I can grow it on my own, I will do that over store bought. Which I AM doing in spite of my loathing of palm trees. :rage:

Yup. Moderation. Balance.

And BTW, growing up in Florida? OMG… I cannot STAND to drink plain water. God forbid I see it come out of a tap. :nauseated_face:

High blood pressure can be due to:
clogged arteries
tight muscles that constrict arteries.

I do hope that y’all achieve Brexit. I will check back in if you do.


It is a myth that arteries get “blocked” by deposits. It is inflammation of the arterial walls and the cause is the same as inflammation elsewhere. Muscles do not constrict blood flow! It would be pretty dumb for the body to restrict blood flow just when it needs it most i.e. when exercising and the muscles are pumped up. Anyhow, blood pressure is measured whilst relaxed. Readings can vary greatly even during the same space of time, but they should all be within the normal range.

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Why is healthcare so expensive in the US? My husband had a skiing accident where he sustained an ACJ injury. He had x rays, had his shoulder and arm all strapped up and a bag full of drugs all for €250 which we just claimed back on the travel insurance. The annual insurance only costs about £80 for 4 of us and that includes winter sports.

True to some extent. What is optimal though? You only need 10mg of vitamin C a day to prevent scurvy, but higher doses have proven to be vastly beneficial.

I have also heard (from Dr Eric Berg) that the fruit and veg you have in the US are pretty low in nutrients because your soils are so depleted. So even though you may eat the perfect diet, you will not get the benefit that you should.

Did you know that coconut oil has the highest levels of MCTs in it of all the oils? That is medium chain triglycerides. What that means is they are really easy for the body to digest and are more likely to get transferred into sugars or glycogen to be stored in the liver for quick access, rather than hang around then get directed to the fat cells.

Think we are close to PM announcement time, not that I think it will make a difference to Brexit come October.

11.45. We may need a general election first to clean out all the remainer infestation in the Tory party. May’s fault for losing seats (deliberately.)

Yeah that’s when Corbyn gets to act out the final scene in the "Brexit " theater production. May has just stuck to her orders. I’m not being a defeatist just sceptical of who is who at the zoo.


Boris 92,153 votes
Hunt 46,656 votes

Now the fun starts. Watch the lefties’ meltdowns.

Hey! We are nice in here … usually … no need for an excuse to join in.

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Old folks with dementia, 9 out of 10, have very stiff neck/throat muscles, which constrict arteries (carotid arteries) to the brain. Check it out.

It’s a myth that cholesterol is bad for you, but why do you think stints in the coronary artery save lives?
One major culprit for clogged artery is blood flukes, which doctors don’t want you to know.

It’s because of private insurance companies, the doctors medical association, Big Pharma and corrupt politicians we are where we are. Example a friend of mine decided his monthly insurance premiums were too high, he was going to cancel the coverage. He spoke to a state advisor and now he’s paying only 10% per month for the same coverage from the same insurance company. ??
It’s like a maze of laws keeping everyone in the dark. Most poor and lower income people pay nothing. The middle class pays the most and the affluent can afford to pay for the extra bells and whistles.
Hospitals, insurance companies and doctors are profiting from the insurance monies churning and they, all thru the bribery scheme of “lobbying” created by parasitical politicians, try to dump it all on the taxpayers.
There is no insurance from anything just a bet that you pay in case something catastrophic happens to you. The insurance companies take your bet. Place your bets.

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Good. I hope he gets the deed done.

It didn’t used to be. I could pay $60.00 a month for my son and maybe a $1,000.00 co-pay.

However, if you are older the rates increase as well as the co-pay. It is insurance so, of course the risk factor is a part of rates.

He was diagnosed with something very treatable, but bam. The carrier dropped him and he had to go on the ACA plan (Obamacare). Almost $300.00 per month and a 7K deductible with 80/20 up to a certain point after that.

One of my employees has to have a CAT scan and even though we have great insurance, since she already had one, she now has to pay $400.00 which she doesn’t have. She was in tears as this might be breast cancer (she’s had it before). I told her not to worry about it, there would be a bonus in her check to cover it.

But still, it is expensive and many people can’t get the care they need within their means. People are frustrated over it and want solutions, but putting the government in charge of it (single payer) would be a nightmare.


Agreed. vitamin C is water soluble so you are perfectly fine with high doses. However, there are people who think (not referring to anyone on this thread) high doses of everything is good for you.

IMO, if you have a family history of something it is a good idea to eat or take supplements accordingly. Or, if a blood test shows you low in something, a great idea to take supplements. Or, like some here with a condition to do the same.

Difference is, people in this thread research and are smart about it. However, take someone like my son who hears about juicing so somehow got it into his head that 100% broccoli is a good thing.

So, more of a generalized observation about people who don’t do their homework or follow some kind of diet craze without considering what it could do to harm them.

My son has been on a Keto diet for some time now and it really bothers me as he is in great health and only 26 years of age. What the long term effects are…? Who knows.

I haven’t heard that but I’d not be surprised. I’ve been trying my hand at my own garden for awhile now. I can’t produce anything in great quantities because I don’t have the space, but do want to get away from store bought as much as possible when I can.

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We are actually offering an insurance plan that covers deductibles and copays. Imagine that. An insurance plan for your insurance plan. :flushed:

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