The Official Michael Flynn Watch Thread ⏰ ***UPDATE!***

Please spare me the lame talking points monte.

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The newly unsealed note details the strategy against Flynn in his meetings during the early days of the investigation with agents whom he has accused of tricking him into lying about his foreign dealings.

“What’s our goal? Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?” reads the note, written by the FBI’s then-director of counterintelligence. “If we get him to admit to breaking the Logan Act, give facts to DOJ & have them decide. Or, if he initially lies, then we present him [redacted] & he admits it, document for DOJ, & let them decide how to address it.”


“What happened to General Michael Flynn, a war hero, should never be allowed to happen to a citizen of the United States again!” the president added in a subsequent tweet.

You are wasting your time with this known clown! He is bought and paid by China to repeat whatever lame stream media spoon feeds him. Along with his equally Maoist cuckskers he hasn’t a clue.

More and more it comes out, they (as in the snowflake ■■■■■■ supporters of Obama) can’t reconcile the fact that Flynn is innocent!

And how do you explain lies told to the FBI?

The FBI just released notes from its July 2 interview with Hillary Clinton about her use of a private, unsecured email server during her tenure as secretary of State. Their findings don’t look good for Clinton.

Days after the interview, which was not recorded, FBI director James Comey publicly held a press conference urging the Department of Justice not to press any criminal charges against Clinton, despite her “extremely careless” handling of classified information.

In the FBI report, Clinton made statements that appear to either contradict her earlier remarks about the email scandal or to be flat-out lies.

Clinton has repeatedly said she has turned over all of her work-related emails on her private server, but the FBI report stated they found 17,448 emails she failed to turn over to the Inspector General.

Really, you wanted to dispute the fact that lying to the FBI is a crime? :rofl::rofl:

Lol, poor Flynn was tricked into lying…:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Answer me one thing monte, why was an outgoing Vice President unmasking anyone a week before leaving office?

There will be plenty of time to discuss Hunter during the debates. And four more years after November for the anvil to drop on obama era IRS, DOJ, and FBI deep state figures.

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Just in case people missed it, I thought to repost it here. Partisan Hacks like Monte and David can’t seen to accept the fact that what happened to Michael Flynn is something we as Americans should all be concerned about and the issue shouldn’t be made into an ideological talking point to be used to fuel their own passive aggressive behaviors so they can feel better about themselves.

I think this is a stark reminder of what Americans should do to stand up to losers who subvert not only their constituents but the rule of law as well.

My big middle finger to ideological scum like Monte and David! They offer zero value!

Why this video is relevant because she mentions Amash’s silence on what happened to Flynn and the rest of the spying issues.

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Fine, go after the most popular politician in America.

And then release the transcript of Flynn’s phone call, and get Obama officials on the record about their concerns about Russian interference into our elections, Flynn’s financial conflicts.

We will see black voter turnout reach 2008 levels.


Obama should claim executive privilege over this; go scorched earth. Not that I think there was anything wrong with the unmasking. Everything I have read about Flynn suggests he was a real national security risk and it was totally appropriate that his name be made known to the appropriate authorities.

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Unmasking is routine and there’s nothing wrong with it…

And there will be nothing happening to the FBI, IRS or Obama…

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Jus sayin monte, yer the VP, yer levin in a few days, yer did a spectacular job for eight years,

Why yer concern over Flynn?

It seems you are incorrect and it isn’t normal at all.

USSID 18 provides the legal process for handling signals intercepts that inadvertently scoop up information on American citizens and ensures their constitutional rights are protected. Normal procedure calls for any American’s name to be redacted. Yet, there are certain circumstances that the names of Americans should NOT be redacted from certain intelligence reports ( (see Section 7.2 and 7.3).

A prosecutor would have to prove that Rice requested the unmasking solely for political purposes and Moss says that would be nearly impossible.


Obama can no longer claim executive privilege as he is no longer the president.

He could claim the 5th,


The outlandish claims he makes is proof positive he regularly talks out of his butt hole and hasn’t the slightest idea on what he is talking about! Ever!

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Flynn was considered a national security risk and Obama told Trump so…:man_shrugging: