The New World Order (NWO)


Everything he posts is photoshopped fakery…:roll_eyes:

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He should be impeached, indicted, tried, convicted, imprisoned for the rest of his life…or executed.



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Not sure this goes here, but it feels like it should…lol.


Only one survived because he killed the enemy good.


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It’s a lifetime appointment…:wink:


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No it doesn’t, you got duped by fake news…:wink:

Whenever Monte Speaks_SQ

And who would that be? Fear mongering of a new order for the world are older than America is…:wink:

NWO is real and Biden is part of it.


There was to be a “new world order” following WW1 with the creation of the League of Nations. Then again following WW2 and creation of the United Nations. Then Gorbachev and Bush referred to the creation of a “new world order” following the collapse of the Soviet Union and end of the Cold War…

Nothing nefarious, just political jingle. But there will always be frightened people who will make much more out of things than there really is…:man_shrugging:

What I don’t understand is , why doesn’t Wisconsin, Illinois, Oregon Americans just raid the state house make Democrats surrender. Fix the shit holes Democrats have created .

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And there will always be people with their heads so far up their arse, they don’t know day from night. Cue the music and enter stage LEFT MONTE.


Well, there aren’t any. But there is a psychological type of human strain that is drawn towards and susceptible to conspiracy. To these people it just isn’t possible that we live in a chaotic world. There has to be a nefarious figure behind a curtain pulling the strings of life and controlling what they do, leaving themselves in an endless battle with the figments of their own unsavory imaginations…:man_shrugging:

Did you ever eat tide pods?

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