The incendiary rhetoric of both Biden and Trump

Including Donald Trump himself.

Btw, I’m pleased to see you use that language, which is precisely the Sanders position. Even though so many on the right (not yourself I think) wish to frame his position as a more authoritarian socialism of the old eastern block countries equating it to communism.

No comparison. Joe just lies and lies, and Trump calls him out on it. No comparison.

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I might have worded it a little differently but bottom line ICAM with you. I’m more inclined to say “go pound sand” to the PC crowd, but what you said works for me too! :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:

And I am okay with whatever Trump says because those he says it too or about like Bimbo Biden deserve it!


One thing about Trump? He isn’t a politically correct persona for the cameras who then later talks behind your back in private. People know where they stand with him; where he stands on issues.

I suppose some feel more comfortable with politicians who say one thing and do another just as long as they are polite about it.

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It’s very unfortunate that so many (and I don’t have reason to include you in this) conflate political correctness with civility.

For example you could point out that African Americans commit a disproportionate amount of crime. That is politically incorrect.

You could also say that “■■■■■■■■ commit a disproportionate amount of crime.

Still politically incorrect, but also quite uncivil.

Democrats are pure evil. The Party of Truman and Kennedy is dead and buried. There can be no compromise with evil. Democrats are now full on socialists, the murderers of full grown babies, and the promoters of all manner of perversion. They cannot be compromised with. They must be utterly destroyed. Trump is right to use any language to describe these vermin. He is right to use any executive power, and any threats against other nations (i.e. Mexican tariffs) to achieve what he needs to do. In a just world all Democrats would be hung. What we must do is utterly destroy them in every election. We can never rest anymore.


What is most uncivil of all is the never ending river of lies told by you and your ilk on the Left.

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There is another alternative–one which you have (conveniently, perhaps?) omitted: That is being both polite and consistent.

Moreover, I am wondering just why so many people seem entirely focused upon my criticism of Donald Trump–and yet seem to be oblivious to my equal criticism of Joe Biden.

Is it because President Trump is (in some people’s minds) supposed to be above criticism?

You are certainly correct about rap music (sometimes referred to–euphemistically–as “hip-hop”). I detest it.

I suppose it is reasonable to characterize President Trump as “snarky,” as you have suggested.

But just how, exactly, is that preferable to being down in the gutter?

I simply cannot remember a president (from either party) being consistently snarky–in all of my 71 years on this planet.

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I think the days of politeness are long gone. Quite frankly, that is a shame as it is reflected in society as well.

Is it incendiary if it is true? Or is it only incendiary when it is a lie?

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Things nowadays are labeled incendiary if a snowflake finds it offensive.


I really do not think that one needs to be a “snowflake” in order to find the rhetoric of both President Trump and former Vice-President Biden to be offensive (and certainly not in keeping with political norms within my own lifetime),


Biden Was Badly Hurt By Abortion Issue - 2020 Election Alert! - at

Biden Was Badly Hurt By Abortion Issue – 2020 Election Alert!

By Dick Morris on June 13, 2019

You know what pjohns? I don’t like it either. I would like to hear people stand on issues, support their issues with fact, not rhetoric.

Quite frankly, politics has turned more into blood sport and who was the last to “own” who. It is diminishing to the office and to the American people.

But the democrats have gotten away with lies, slander and bullying for far too long. Republicans have sat back in keeping with political norms and in doing so it has been a detriment.

So, if the gloves have to come off by God, then they need to come off. If that is what it takes to keep the democrats from turning this county into a 3rd world poop-hole then rhetoric is the least of my concerns.

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Yeah well tell that that to the rude, crude incivility of leftists! President Trump is no GWB who never defended himself, the country or his voters and that’s not happening with this President who consistently hits back and defends himself, the country and his voters.

The MSM, leftist liberals, the Democrats, the never Trump RINO’s and faux conservatives always draw first blood and I like that we have a RAMBO in office!!

Well there ya go, the votes keep racking up for sustained incivility…:man_shrugging:

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We were speaking of incendiary remarks, not offensive speech. I differentiate between the two.

The Democrats have brought knives and guns to the fight for years while we kept observing the Marquess of Queensberry boxing rules. The Dems will never become decent and civil again, so the only thing we can do is bring our own knives and guns to the fight (metaphoriclally speaking of course). Trump is the first GOP president to have the balls to do it.

Don’t dish out what you cannot take.