The Green New Deal

More and more companies are also removing the ability to opt out of these plans. Can you say coordinated effort?

PM me on that one. Please.

You really should be locking up your nutters, not giving them a platform and listening to them.

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This was a set-up from her own party to make her like more of a dumbass than she really is! Everyone including democrats are laughing at her for rolling this out! After reading this, the impression is that what is being listed is so far ridiculous that her own party is now distancing themselves from this joke! She stepped in it and fell for the trap!

We tried that approach with a nutter in this Forum. You told us that he had a right to make a fool of himself. Same goes for that woman.

So, what in the OP is inaccurate when compared with the primary source?

I can discuss any thing with anyone but YOU.

You’re useless trolling everyone contributing nothing.

The interesting thing is she the darling of the media. Netflix is making her a millionaire. What person with their head on straight would roll out a non starter for publicity purposes as a freshman in congress. One would think they would lean the job first before stepping on the national stage and making a full of herself. Trains across the atlantic. ROTFLMAO.

Just look at her here! She truly is stumbling all over herself and has lowered the standard! God help us all if more of these morons get elected!

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There’s a difference. That is mentally ill.


We observe freedom of speech in the US…as long as you don’t misgender some idiot that thinks he should be addressed as a “she” despite his appearance being that of a burly, bearded lumberjack.

Just as it does on the blessed site, that permits the nutters to speak at will.

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92% of democrats agree with her.

I want to know where they found that 64% of republicans.

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I feel stuck in the funny farm and want to get out.

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Looks like they did the poll in December before anyone knew of the crazy shit that was in it.

I trust this poll about as much as I trust anyone of them. Which hovers between 0-0.1%

Yes he is, yet you defended his right to speak, and I admire you for it.

In her defense, you have to remember that people in most countries, including Britain, have no Constitutional Right to speak freely. They can be silenced and prosecuted for saying things that the government deems inappropriate (so-called hate speech, for example.). Many in this country would like to do the same here, as long as they get to decide what speech is to be prohibited, but for now at least, cries to squelch words we do not like do not wield the force of law.

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Yeah Notorious AOC! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I so hope they pull out and build it somewhere else.


It all sounds good to a lot of people … until they learn what it will cost them. :wink:

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Britain allows citizens to emigrate you know. :wink:

This is as bogus a result of a poll title as I have seen in a while. They poll 966 people and project the results as if the nation concurs.

I’d like to see the questions, the polling method, the sample selection method and the demographics of those responding.

This is just more liberal bullshit designed to make people want to jump on a winning band wagon.