Just thought I’d compare deaths too…
As to Sweden… not a hell of a lot of difference again:
Those are all questions for the trump administration making these recommendations…
Those are state level decisions, though I think it’s silly to make the recommendations at this point, considering the mountain of evidence showing they don’t help.
State/local decisions based upon recommendations from the Trump administration…
IE., That’s why Anthony Fauci, MD, says that bars and restaurants need to close right now to avoid further spreading the virus https://bestlifeonline.com/fauci-close-bars-restaurants/
And… It’s Official: CDC Recommends Public Wear Face Masks
Again, I said they’re silly recommendations as of today. This really highlights the reason why some of us just don’t trust the Feds and want the power localized rather than centered in DC.
Just to clarify, back in April, MAYBE I could understand the mask recommendations. . . today, we have way too much data to buy into that nonsense. Shutdowns are exactly the same.
To be clear, you’re the only Trumper I’ve seen acknowledge that and I’m not going through April’s threads to see what you were saying about masks then…
But trumps CDC, NIH, HHS and WHCTF is still recommending face masks and bar and restaurant closings and state and local authorities are following those recommendations. It will always be laughable that Trumpers want to mock and criticize the states for following recommendations of the Trump administration while giving trump a pass on the grounds his hands are tied, he has no choice, he’s getting bad advice from the people he chose as advisers, and on and on bullshit excuses…but then I perfectly describe partisanship…
I was 100% against the masks and shut downs back then too. I felt like it was overkill and I was critical of Trump back then. Honestly, I’m NEVER 100% with a politician, even Trump. I hated his ban on bump stocks and spending has been a thorn in my side. That said, I’ve liked his foreign policy, his efforts to get us into better trade agreements, his focus on getting us out of bad agreements like the Paris accord and Iran deal, and his efforts to stop the free flow of illegal immigration.
This is an amazing view of why we have conspiracy theories predicting future wars. People don’t trust peace so they look for signs that it’s not as significant as it seems…
Well that’s fine, and I can see where trump pleased you with those things. Biden, will put the US back in play with those things, obviously to your dismay…
But back to the subject at hand. It’s trump administration that has recommend the shut downs of non essential business and the wearing of masks in public, both in April and now. Try as you will to blame states and democrats for that, but they’re being criticized for following Trump’s administration guidelines…
You can blame Trump if you want but ultimately, it’s states that are implementing those items and mostly, they’re Democrat states. I can show you a dozen times that Trump has said he wants to open businesses back up, even though the CDC recommends otherwise. Ultimately, we’ve made the cure worse than the disease.
I’m not blaming Trump for this, I’m simply pointing out that states are following his administration’s recommendations. Normally that would be viewed as a positive, but only in the wacky world of conspiracy is states following an administrations guidelines criticized, and funny it seems lost on the Trumper that they’re criticizing Trump when they criticize HIS administration…
Trumps the boss…
Or is he…
It’s not lost on us and make no mistake, just because HHS says it doesn’t mean Trump fully agrees with it. Flat out, I hate the mandates and I have plenty of evidence that they’re pointless so no matter WHO recommends it, I’m against it.
I have a CEO. He trusts me to make decisions. He doesn’t agree with 100% of my decisions.
Well you can hate them and be against them. You’re hating Trump administration’s recommendations which we never Trumpers find quite comical…
Trumps the CEO…
Exactly what’s funny about that? The President is exactly like a CEO. Makes the high end decisions and let’s his team handle the day to day stuff.
Why the hell would it be comical? We’re not leftists that just blindly agree to everything they say.
Glad we got that squared away…