The Great Kyle Rittenhouse is out of jail! TRIAL and Updates!


Not murdered but DEFENDING THEMSELVES FROM a thief that was stealing from the construction site and was on film entering a site he had NO BUSINESS entering . He has also stated he uses jogging as a cover for his thievery . They attempted to make a citizens arrest and he started beating him and was attempting to take the weapon and shoot him , so fuck him he got what he deserved . You only care because it’s a black shot by a white defending himself . Where is the concern for the hundreds of whites killed by blacks ??? fuck you asshole , you are here to fucking TROLL !!!


Maybe the National Guard is on standby incase whites riot over a verdict they don’t like.




I swear this prosecutor is a fking retard! Montecrusty in a suit! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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He is the great kicker! The prosecution just admitted not supporting BLM is cause for conviction with a guilty verdict. Coming from the same guy who regularly wear Star war pins on his lapel.

Doesn’t matter, he was there and was attacked . Would you say the same about the deceased PEDOPHILE . Was he looking for young boys to Butt F%&k!!

Scratch that, my first response to you was not read correctly by me. The point is, the Government prosecutor is openly supporting BLM should tell you all you need to know what the real agenda here is aided by the MSM. RACE!

Yes when all else fails ,play the Race card in an attempt to get a conviction, even if the defendant is not guilty. Don’t have to worry about whites rioting, thats Racist also.

Yeah, Whites rioting! Now that would be a sight to behold. I suspect when they wake up from their Cheetos induced comas slumbered in front of the TV screen that rioting will be a game changer! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:



So much for innocent until proven guilty.

The leftist anarchist way

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You have no idea what political persuasions they had

Yeah because the prosecutor’s logic is to allow losers like this to come and beat us up instead of using a firearm to defend ourselves!


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Wouldn’t the MSM have fun with whites rioting over a juries verdict.

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Prosecutor Calls Kenosha Rioters ‘Crowd Full of Heroes’ FUCKING HEROES ???


Pray for Kyle 


Closing arguments.