The GOP serves up more stupidity, fail on th 6th vote

House takes short recess after speaker race deadlocks again on sixth ballot

by Virginia Aabram, Congressional Reporter

January 04, 2023 04:41 PM

A motion to adjourn until 8 p.m. passed by voice vote on Wednesday, putting a pause on the second day of voting for the speaker of the House.

Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) was again blocked from becoming speaker on the sixth ballot by 20 Republican lawmakers, who rallied behind Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) as an alternative. Negotiations will continue for the next several hours before the lower chamber reconvenes.

What a clown show !!! GOP is total lost .

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This is great news, you have to Let the swamp know it’s over. Give us what we want or you will be put on notice.

Great the 20 people will decide for the majority

Think about it, whats wrong with that concept…

This is how a constitutional republic works if you don’t like America leave

What’s the saying, BITE ME!

This is a house rule and has nothing to do with a constitutional republic. But you wouldn’t know anything about that.

Rules can be overruled, you can’t over rule the constitution.

Lauren Boebert is doing Exactly what I elected her to do!!! She will never back down she will never vote for a Snake. She is the perfect representative For the state of Colorado!

You elected her? I thought you lived in Boston??? :thinking:

That was a quote …………

Okay. Why didn’t you attribute the quote to who said it?

What ever I do what I want, “Eric cartman”

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Somewhere in the vicinity of zero voters will change their worldview or political affiliation because the GOP is taking a few extra days to grind out their leadership vote. Nor is there anything particularly dysfunctional about disagreeing on the question. McCarthy isn’t an admiral or preordained by God to be speaker, so this isn’t mutiny it’s just a vote. Indeed, a battle over leadership shows a more democratic dynamic than the typical lock stepping on the matter. In most other democratic nations this kind of parliamentary fight would be considered tame and completely expected.

However the vote ends up, though, it won’t matter much because neither side in this battle has anything special or particularly consequential to offer.

I will laugh my azz off if some republicans give you and the 20 the finger and vote for the democrat.

As a side note, Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert nor any of he 20 morons have a competing legislative agenda to offer, much less any coherent philosophical positions.

Wha bobert says they want, putting forward a border security bill, putting forward a term limits bill, having a measure in place to where any member of Congress who offers an amendment to reduce the federal debt, Which will go no where as the dems control the senate.

On a side note maybe you should find out why they aren’t voting for McCarthy before you slander them again lol

This is the difference between the democrats and the GOP. Even though they dislike some of the things the party does they still get behind the party to push legislation through. Most are not so egocentric to hold the American people for their own personal gain.

Yes, I think it’s really sad that over 200 GOP members voted for Mccarthy. Who will not push a conservative agenda.

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I’ve said the same about the Dem party, but I disagree that they are any different when it comes to their feelings on the American people over their own personal gain. They are just better at the ruse than the Repbs. The Repubs are too stupid to be as dangerous as the Dems…lol.

Those five patriots made deals to hopefully close our border, when the next funding bill comes, we either close it up or we shut it down. Patriots

As they say… time will tell.

Sit back and watch the NEW GOP

So far, I see nothing new about the GOP… just the same RINOS and infighting that lose to the Dems all the time. The MAGA movement is great, but there aren’t enough of them. MAGA also suffers from unintelligent bellowing from loud mouth fools with no real agenda, other than to yell as loud as they can about changing things. But, they don’t have a plan to change anything… except to yell about change…lol.

The Dems won again with McCarthy getting elected… finally. They would have won either way…lol. This is how fucked up the GOP is. New GOP??? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: