The GOP serves up more stupidity, fail on th 6th vote

What’s unintelligent about closing the border? Are you speaking about yourself?

You represent exactly what I’m talking about. MAGA!!! TRUMP!!! MAGA!!! BORDER!!! MAGA!!!

If I scream loud enough and long enough, things will change… they have to! LOL! The Dems keep kicking our ass at every turn because people like you just run off at the mouth about things they have no plan to fix…lol. I guess you think Jan. 6 was a good plan??? Maybe Gaetz, MTG ,Boebert and the rest of the crew could yell a little louder?

I agree with a lot of what they say, but not many are going to listen to them because they have no tact/diplomacy. At some point, you and the others like you, will need to learn how to temper your aggression if you want people to listen to what you say, instead of laughing AT YOU because of the way you say it.

I used to be just like you. I’ve learned that people will only listen if you approach them intelligently, with a calm demeanor. Most of the MAGA group, Trump especially, have not figured this out.

Good luck to you and the rest of the GOP… you will need a lot of it going forward.

I see it from all angles, I see democrats helping and screaming using horrible lanuage, and getting all their shit passed. So I want my lawmakers to be pissed off, enough is enough, what do we have to lose? Fear?

I understand, honest, I do. I feel the same way you do. It starts with a clear agenda/ plan. The GOP has neither at this point. MAGA could be the agenda, but it has to be approached with some modicum of intelligence and tact. Someone in the MAGA movement has to be able to articulate in a reasonable way to the masses, WHY it is important for America to get back to thinking about America and Americans. All I see right now is a bunch of pissed off, fed up people, screaming and pounding their fists (justfiably) at the powers that be and the insane Progressives and Woke culture.

Those of us with functioning brains and logical thinking can see that MAGA is not a bad thing at all. Trump was great for bringing it forward… and he was a great POTUS for 4 years, through all the bulls*** , 24 - 7. His time is over as far as being POTUS again. He has too many people against him and there is too much in his closet to be a viable leader again. He can be a voice in the MAGA movement… he started it. But, he;s done politically.

What we do is find people that are in agreement with MAGA philosophy…people that are intelligent, articulate, diplomatic and tactful, to educate the masses as to why this country’s survival depends on it. I don’t know if it can be accomplished at this point? I hope so, but I won’t hold my breath.

Greed and personal power is why the GOP is dying/dead. It will happen to the Democrats too… they just happen to be on top at the moment.

I certainly agree. The Dems are just more transparent.

A key analysis showed that close to half of House and Senate members are millionaires. Most when elected are not millionaires. Biden is the perfect example as well as Obama.

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Exactly how will the 5 morons close the border??? The senate is controlled by the Democrats as well as the WH. The best we can hope for is stopping the spending that is out of control including funding for illegal care and relocation. To do that the GOP will need to hold firm on funding and be willing to close the government until they get their way. Unlikely a best,


You just said how they will do it, why do you think they held out so long?

Fool, the GOP will not shut down the government as they are afraid of he fallout.

Biden will shut down payments of SS, close the parks and everything else to generate negative stories just like Obama did. Are you really that naive?

Lol DUDE WE HAVE A OPEn BORDER… it’s an easy win for republicans.

Yeah and the red wave turned out to be a bad joke.

Are you paying attention?
Partisanship has eclipsed any thought of working together in the interest of the nation. Party loyalty is sacrosanct and any deviation in either party is frowned upon and sanctioned. Gone are the days when members of Congress could reach across the aisle to produce legislation founded on common sense rather than sheer party dogma. Negotiation does not equate with capitulation. But insistence on my way or the highway often yields what we have seen too often in recent years: nothing or much worse.

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And? Shut down the border.